Regional District

Wednesday, October 9, 2024
Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on Wednesday, October 9, 2024 at the Strathcona Regional District office located at 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River, B.C.

A quorum having been confirmed, the Chair called the meeting to order at 10:01 a.m. with the following directors physically in attendance or participating electronically:
Chair:G. WhalleyElectoral Area A (Kyuquot/Nootka-Sayward)
Directors:J. RiceElectoral Area D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake)
 R. MawhinneyElectoral Area C (Discovery Islands-Mainland Inlets)
 M. VoneschElectoral Area B (Cortes Island)

The Chair acknowledged that we are located on the traditional territory of the Laichwiltach people.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 319/24

THAT the agenda for the October 9, 2024 regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee be adopted as presented.
Natural Asset Management
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 320/24

The Chair welcomed Roy Brooke, Executive Director, Natural Assets Initiative who made a presentation regarding natural asset management.

The Chair thanked Mr. Brooke for his presentation.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 321/24

THAT the presentation be received.
Vonesch/Rice: EASC 322/24

THAT staff apply for funding through the Federation of Canadian Municipalities to assist with natural asset management.
EASC 323/24

THAT staff schedule a further, more in-depth, conversation around Natural Asset Management and invite Roy Brooke to participate at the Electoral Areas Services Committee.
With consent from the seconder the Chair permitted the mover to withdraw the motion.
Vonesch/Rice: EASC 324/24

THAT staff work with Roy Brooke to schedule individual meetings with Electoral Area Directors and relevant staff members.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 325/24

THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on September 4, 2024 be adopted.
Director Mawhinney requested that Res. EASC 308/24 be amended by replacing the words "BC Geological" with the words “BC Speleological”.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 326/24

THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on September 4, 2024 be adopted as amended.
Request for Subdivision Frontage Relief (Katzko)
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 327/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 328/24

THAT the Committee recommend that, with reference to Section 512(2) of the Local Government Act, the Board approve frontage relief for Proposed Lot 1, as shown on the plan of subdivision attached to staff report dated October 9, 2024.
ESA Development Permit (Frumento)
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 329/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 330/24

THAT the Committee recommend approval of the site-specific exemption for a floodplain relaxation request, FR 1D 24, to reduce the floodplain setback from 15.0 m to 10.0 m, as supported by the Floodplain Assessment dated August 15, 2019, and Geotechnical Assessment dated September 25, 2024.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 331/24

THAT the Committee recommend that the Floodplain and Geotechnical Assessments attached to the October 9, 2024 staff report form part of a required Section 219 covenant to be registered against title; and

THAT the Corporate Officer and Chair be authorized to execute the required Section 219 covenant prior to issuance of a Building Permit.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 332/24

THAT the Committee recommend approval of the ESA DP for Foreshore and Watercourse as attached in the October 9, 2024 staff report; and

THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit after registration of the Section 219 covenant.
Community Sewer System Rights of Way (Quathiaski Cove)
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 333/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 334/24

THAT the Committee recommend that the statutory right of way agreements with owners of properties along Pidcock Road regarding access to the Quathiaski Cove sewer works be approved by the Board.
Climate Resiliency Service (Electoral Areas B and C)
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 335/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 336/24

THAT the activities of the Climate Resiliency Service be updated to:

i) the collection, chipping, transport, and upcycle of wood waste

ii) funding community projects that prepares the service area for the impacts of climate change or reduces the areas carbon emissions.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 337/24

THAT the maximum tax requisition for the Climate Resiliency Service be set to $0.069 per $1,000.
2024 Interim Housing Needs Report
Vonesch/Rice: EASC 338/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Vonesch/Rice: EASC 339/24

THAT staff work with Electoral Area Directors to set up a meeting with relevant ministry members to express concerns regarding the Interim Housing Needs Report.
Vonesch/Rice: EASC 340/24

THAT receipt of the report be deferred until November, and

THAT staff create a preamble to the report to add additional clarity when released to the public.
Proposed Electoral Area Grant in Aid Service
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 341/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Grant in Aid Policy Review
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 342/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Vonesch/Rice: EASC 343/24

THAT the matter be deferred to the next EASC meeting
Bylaw No. 577 - Desolation Sound Rural Land Use Bylaw Amendments (Short-Term Rentals)
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 344/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 345/24

THAT the Committee recommend that Bylaw No. 577, being Desolation Sound Rural Land Use Bylaw 1993, Amendment No. 12, as attached to the October 2, 2024 report, be forwarded to the Board for first and second reading.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 346/24

THAT the Committee recommend that the Board authorize a public hearing to consider Bylaw No. 577, and

THAT the public hearing be held at a date and time to be determined.
Bylaw No. 580 - Electoral Area D Zoning Amendment (Belanger)
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 347/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 348/24

THAT as notice will be given in accordance with s. 467(1) of the Local Government Act the Committee recommend that Bylaw No. 580 (Belanger) be forwarded to the Board for first 3 readings and final adoption.
Bylaw No. 581 - Electoral Area D Wood Debris Removal Service
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 349/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 350/24

THAT the Committee recommend that Bylaw No. 581, being a bylaw to establish a wood debris removal service for Electoral Area D, be given first 3 readings, and

THAT approval for Bylaw No. 581 be obtained using an alternative approval process.
Bylaw No. 582 - Quadra Island Zoning Amendment (Crescent Channel Enterprises)
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 351/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 352/24

THAT as notice will be given in accordance with s.467(1) of the Local Government Act, the Committee recommend that Bylaw No. 582 (Crescent Channel Enterprises) be forwarded to the Board for first 3 readings and final adoption.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 353/24

THAT staff prepare a report on the obligations, responsibilities and consequences of the Strathcona Regional District being a signatory to conservation covenants.
Bylaw No. 583 - Electoral Area D Zoning Amendment (Wiebe)
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 354/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Rice/Mawhinney: EASC 355/24

THAT as notice will be given in accordance with s.467(1) of the Local Government Act, the Committee recommend that Bylaw No. 583 (Wiebe) be forwarded to the Board for first 3 readings and final adoption.
Rising Tide Business Services
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 356/24

THAT the October 3, 2024 media release from the Island Coastal Economic Trust regarding Rising Tide Business Services be received.
Transit Service in Electoral Area D
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 357/24

THAT the September 12, 2024 report from Director Rice regarding transit improvements in Electoral Area D be received.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 358/24

THAT staff to prepare a report on the feasibility of upgrading the bus stops at Shelter Bay Resort and at Engles Rd water side, to include concrete pads for 2 more transit shelters including installation.
Evacuation Routes in Electoral Area D
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 359/24

THAT the October 1, 2024 report from Director Rice regarding evacuation routes in Electoral Area D be received.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 360/24

THAT staff prepare a report for discussion at EASC on emergency preparedness plans for Area D including evacuation routes should highway 19A become unnavigable.
Pub to Pub (Jack Hames) Trail
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 361/24

THAT the October 1, 2024 report from Director Rice regarding signage for the Pub to Pub (Jack Hames) Trail be received.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 362/24

THAT staff to prepare a report for discussion at EASC on the matter of SRD signs for the Pub to Pub (Jack Hames) Trail.
Cortes Island Multi-Use Sports Courts
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 363/24

THAT the October 3, 2024 report from Director Vonesch regarding multi-use sports courts on Cortes Island be received.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 364/24

THAT staff prepare a report for providing $50,000 in Cortes Island allocated Community Works Funding for the building of the multi use sports court on the Southern Cortes Community Association’s property and bring it back to EASC for review.
Cortes Island Land and Home Ownership
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 365/24

Director Vonesch gave a verbal report regarding the Cortes Affordable Land and Home Ownership Project.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 366/24

THAT SRD staff work with the Cortes Housing Society (CHS) to develop a plan for a short term loan through the SRD Housing Service so that CHS can develop part of their land with power, water, septic, and a road to be sold through long term lease agreements, creating affordable land opportunities on Cortes Island.
Cortes Island Advisory Planning Commission
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 367/24

THAT the October 3, 2024 report from Director Vonesch regarding the Cortes Island Advisory Planning Commission be received.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 368/24

THAT the following people be appointed to be members of Cortes Islands Advisory Planning Commission:

Romney Shipway, Bruce Ellingsen, Amy Robertson, Kevin Peacey, Michael O’Donnell, Kai Harvey, Amy Bockner, Kate Maddigan, and Elijah McKenty
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 369/24

THAT staff update the Cortes Island Advisory Planning Commission Bylaw and bring it back to EASC for consideration.
Village Bay Lake Telephone Service
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 370/24

THAT the October 4, 2024 report from Director Mawhinney regarding telephone service at Village Bay Lakes be received.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 371/24

THAT communication with Telus be undertaken to determine the potential of reinstating the important safety connection payphone at Village Bay Lake; and THAT options for providing a reliable phone connection from the Village Bay Lake area be reported to the Electoral Area Services Committee.
Old Growth Forest Management
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 372/24

THAT the October 4, 2024 report from Director Mawhinney regarding old growth forest management on Quadra Island be received.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 373/24

THAT the SRD Board write a letter to the Minister of Forests, the Minister of Water, Lands & Natural Resource Stewardship, and BC’s Chief Forester highlighting concerns with old forest management on Quadra Island; the need for clarity on provincial responsibility for recruitment of old forests in landscape units with a deficit; and the immediate need for forest landscape planning on Quadra Island to ensure recruitment and retention of adequate mature forest to meet provincial targets.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 374/24

THAT the addendums be considered.
Request for Financial Assistance - Sayward Secret Santa
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 375/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 376/24

THAT the Committee recommend that a grant in aid for the Sayward Secret Santa c/o Village of Sayward in the amount of $500 to assist with providing 2024 Christmas hampers and gifts to Sayward families in need be paid from the Electoral Area A grant in aid budget.
Request for Financial Assistance - Cortes Island School Parent Advisory Committee
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 377/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 378/24

THAT the Committee recommend that a grant in aid for the Cortes Island School Parent Advisory Council in the amount of $5,000 to assist with the set up of a community accessible Multi-Media room be paid from the Electoral Area B grant in aid budget.
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 379/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EACS 380/24

THAT the meeting be closed to the public to consider matters deemed to fall within sections 90(1)(b), (e), (i), (n), and (o) of the Community Charter.
The Committee reconvened in public at 12:40 p.m.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 387/24

THAT the October 9, 2024 regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee be terminated.
Time: 12:40 p.m.

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Corporate Officer