Minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 at the Strathcona Regional District office located at 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River, B.C.

A quorum having been confirmed, the Chair called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. with the following directors physically in attendance or participating electronically:
Chair:G. WhalleyElectoral Area A (Kyuquot/Nootka-Sayward)
Directors:R. MawhinneyElectoral Area C (Discovery Islands-Mainland Inlets)
 J. RiceElectoral Area D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake)
 M. VoneschElectoral Area B (Cortes Island)

The Chair acknowledged that we are located on the traditional territory of the Laichwiltach people.
Director Mawhinney requested that an item of New Business entitled "WildSafeBC" be added to the agenda.
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 220/24

THAT the agenda for the July 10, 2024 regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee be adopted as amended.
The Chair advised that the order of business will be amended to consider the staff report entitled "Aquaculture Regulation by Local Government" after all other staff reports have been addressed.
A vote was held on the motion and it was…
Vonesch/Rice: EASC 221/24

THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on June 12, 2024 be adopted. [Item]
Outer Discovery Islands Solid Waste Management Study
Director Mawhinney identified that a portion Res. EASC 211/24 was not recorded in the minutes and requested that the following text be added to the end of the resolution: "THAT a solid waste dumpster at Hoskyn Landing be explored for use by Outer Discovery Islanders with the cost being shared by resident participants."
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 222/24

THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on June 12, 2024 be adopted as amended.
Bylaw No. 564 (Area C Short Term Rentals)
Director Mawhinney inquired whether an amendment to the Desolation Sound Rural Land Use Bylaw is required to reflect changes made by Bill 35, being the Short-Term Rental Accommodations Act.
The Senior Manager of Community Services advised that an update can be done, but it is not required.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 223/24

THAT a report be prepared regarding short-term rentals on the rural outer islands.
Cortes Island Wildfire Brigade
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 224/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 225/24

THAT the Committee recommend that the Regional District work with the CIFFA to obtain additional details, such as better defining the scope of the proposed service, and report back to the Electoral Area Services Committee.
Cortes Island Open Burning Restrictions
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 226/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 227/24

THAT Section No. 5 "Authority to Extinguish Open Fire" and Section No. 6 "Inspection of Property Authorized" be deleted from the proposed Area B Open Burning Regulatory Bylaw and returned to the Committee for review.
   CARRIED Director Rice opposed
Quadra Island Zoning Bylaw Revisions
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 228/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 229/24

THAT the Committee recommend that the Regional District bring forward a revision bylaw to correct the error introduced by Bylaw No. 317.
Quathiaski Cove Sewer System Rate Increases
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 230/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 231/24

THAT the Committee recommend that a bylaw be prepared to amend the rates by 3.5% for the Quathiaski Cove sewer system to generate the revenue requirements identified in the 2024-2028 Financial Plan.
Proposed Grant in Aid Service
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 232/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 233/24

THAT the matter be deferred to the next Electoral Areas Services Committee meeting.
Bill 46, Housing Statutes (Development Financing) Amendment Act, 2023
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 234/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Rice: EASC 235/24

THAT a report be prepared on a bylaw addressing Amenity Cost Charges and Development Cost Charges for Electoral Area D; and

THAT a report be prepared on a policy addressing Amenity Cost Charges for Electoral Areas B and C.
Ministerial Meetings at UBCM Convention
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 236/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Transport Canada Divested Wharves - Funding Extension
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 237/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Rice left the meeting chambers.
A vote was held on the motion and it was…
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 238/24

THAT the Committee recommend that the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the amendment Agreement with Transport Canada.
Surge Narrows Marine Revitalization Project
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 239/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Rice returned to the meeting chambers.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: EASC 240/24

THAT the Committee recommend that the Regional District submit an application for Crown Land tenure over District Lot 312, Sayward District, and surrounding area, to accommodate the Surge Narrows Marine Revitalization Project infrastructure.
Aquaculture Regulation by Local Government
Rice/Mawhinney: EASC 241/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Bylaw No. 509 - Cortes Island Bulk Water Regulation
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 242/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 243/24

THAT prohibited uses number i) and ii) under Part 303 (c) of Bylaw No. 509 be deleted.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: EASC 244/24

THAT the Committee recommend that Bylaw No. 509 as amended be given first 2 readings, and

THAT the public hearing for Bylaw No. 509 be waived.
Bylaw No. 510 - Quadra Island Bulk Water Regulation
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 245/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 246/24

THAT the Committee recommend that Bylaw No. 510 be given second reading, and

THAT the public hearing for Bylaw No. 510 be held at a date and time to be determined.
City of Campbell River Animal Control Services
Rice/Mawhinney: EASC 247/24

THAT the June 28, 2024 correspondence from the City of Campbell River regarding the provision of animal control services be received. [Item]
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 248/24

THAT staff prepare a report on the City of Campbell River's animal control services and options available to Electoral Area D.
Director Mawhinney made a verbal report regarding the District of Tofino's recent designation as a Bear Smart Community by the British Columbia Conservation Officer Service through collaboration with WildSafeBC.
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 249/24

THAT the verbal report be received.
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 250/24

THAT a report be prepared on WildSafeBC education programs and Regional District support be returned to the Committee for discussion.
Rice/Vonesch: EASC 251/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 252/24

THAT the meeting be closed to the public to consider matters deemed to fall within the parameters of subsections 90(1)(f), (g), (i), (n), and (o) of the Community Charter.
The meeting reconvened in public at 12:32 p.m.
Mawhinney/Rice: EASC 259/24

THAT the July 10, 2024 regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee be terminated.
Time: 12:32 p.m.

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