Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Strathcona Regional District held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024 at the Strathcona Regional District offices located at 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River, B.C.

A quorum having been confirmed, the Chair called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. with the following members physically in attendance or participating electronically:
Chair:M. BakerVillage of Sayward
Directors:D. ChapmanCity of Campbell River
 J. ColborneVillage of Zeballos
 K. DahlCity of Campbell River
 M. DavisVillage of Tahsis
 B. LanyonCity of Campbell River
 R. MawhinneyDiscovery Islands-Mainland Inlets (Electoral Area C)
 J. RiceOyster Bay-Buttle Lake (Electoral Area D)
 S. SinnottCity of Campbell River
 M. VoneschCortes Island (Electoral Area B)
 G. WhalleyKyuquot/Nootka-Sayward (Electoral Area A)
Alt. Director:A. PringleVillage of Gold River
 for M. Lott

The Chair acknowledged that we are located on the traditional territory of the Laichwiltach people.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 595/24

THAT the agenda for July 24, 2024 regular meeting of the Board be adopted as presented.
Director Rice requested that the following items of New Business be added to the agenda:

- Fire Protection Service with the City of Campbell River; and
- Electoral Area D Bulk Water Costs.
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 596/24

THAT the agenda for the July 24, 2024 regular meeting of the Board be adopted as amended.
Policy CP-033 - Processing of Liquor and Cannabis License Applications
Rice/Whalley: SRD 598/24

THAT the Liquor License review policy be brought back for reconsideration.
Discussion ensued.
Director Kerr arrived at the meeting.
Discussion continued.
Committee of the Whole Meeting
The Chair polled the Board to determine if August 14, 2024 would be a suitable date to hold a Committee of the Whole meeting. Based on the results of the poll the Chair advised that staff would determine possible dates to hold the meeting in the fall.
Electoral Areas Services Committee
Whalley/Vonesch: SRD 599/24

THAT the draft minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on July 10, 2024 be received. [Item]
Surge Narrows Marine Revitalization Project
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 600/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 601/24

THAT an application be submitted for Crown land tenure over District Lot 312, Sayward District and surrounding area, to accommodate the Surge Narrows Marine Revitalization Project infrastructure.
Transport Canada Divested Wharves
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 602/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 603/24

THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the amendment agreement with Transport Canada to extend the deadline for use of funding for the Port Neville, Surge Narrows and Owen Bay wharf facilities.
Cortes Island Wildfire Brigade
Vonesch/Colborne: SRD 604/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 605/24

THAT the Regional District work with the Cortes Island Fire Fighting Association (CIFFA) to obtain additional details, such as better defining the scope of the proposed service, and report back to the Electoral Areas Services Committee.
Short Term Rentals - Outer Discovery Islands
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 606/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 607/24

THAT a report be prepared regarding short-term rentals on the rural outer islands within Electoral Area C.
Quadra Island Zoning Bylaw Revisions
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 608/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 609/24

THAT a revision bylaw be prepared for the Board's consideration that would correct the error introduced to the Quadra Island zoning bylaw by Bylaw No. 317.
Animal Control Services - Electoral Area D
Rice/Whalley: SRD 610/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Whalley: SRD 611/24

THAT a report be prepared to investigate options for providing animal control services within Electoral Area D.
WildSafeBC Educational Programming
SRD 612/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Rice: SRD 613/24

THAT a report regarding Regional District support for WildSafeBC educational programming be prepared for consideration by the Electoral Areas Services Committee.
Amenity Cost Charges & Development Cost Charges
Rice/Colborne: SRD 614/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Whalley: SRD 615/24

THAT a report be prepared for further consideration that investigates development cost charges for Electoral Area D and an amenity contribution policy for Electoral Areas B and C.
Backup Generator - Campbell River Search & Rescue Hall
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 616/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Whalley/Vonesch: SRD 617/24

THAT the contract for the Campbell River Search and Rescue Hall generator installation be awarded to Osprey Electric, and

THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract.
Grant in Aid - Review of Policy and Guides
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 618/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 619/24

THAT the matter of a policy for considering grants in aid not be pursued at this time.
 DEFEATED All directors opposed except Directors Mawhinney, Vonesch and Whalley
Sinnott/Colborne: SRD 620/24

THAT Policy CP-027 [Financial Assistance to Organizations] be brought forward for further consideration by the Board.
 CARRIED Directors Mawhinney, Vonesch and Whalley opposed
Disposition of Pending Bylaws
Colborne/Mawhinney: SRD 621/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Sinnott/Rice: SRD 622/24

THAT the bylaws shown highlighted in the June 17, 2024 report from the Chief Administrative Officer be brought forward for further consideration by the Board, and

THAT staff prepare a report regarding amendments to the procedure bylaw that will avoid this situation in the future.
Community Works Fund (Gas Tax) Agreement
Colborne/Mawhinney: SRD 623/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Colborne left the meeting chambers.
Sinnott/Mawhinney: SRD 624/24

THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the 2024-2034 Community Works Fund agreement on behalf of the Regional District.
Chapman/Dahl: SRD 625/24

THAT a full analysis of the new Community Works Fund agreement and the Regional District's gas tax allocation policy be prepared for the Board’s consideration.
Director Colborne returned to the meeting chambers.
A vote was held on the motion and it was …
Shelter Point Liquor License Applications
Rice/Whalley: SRD 626/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Sinnott: SRD 627/24

THAT the Regional District decline to comment on the 3 liquor license applications submitted by Shelter Point Distillery.
Vancouver Island Economic Alliance Summit
Colborne/Whalley: SRD 628/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Colborne/Mawhinney: SRD 629/24

THAT the schedule for the October meeting of the Regional Board remain unchanged.
 DEFEATED Directors Baker, Chapman, Dahl, Kerr, Lanyon, Mawhinney and Sinnott opposed
Sinnott/Chapman: SRD 630/24

THAT the schedule for the October meeting of the Regional Board be changed from October 23 to October 30.
Bylaw No. 509 - Cortes Island Bulk Water Regulation
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 631/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Kerr left the meeting chambers.
Vonesch/Whalley: SRD 632/24

THAT Bylaw No. 509, being a bylaw to amend the zoning regulations applicable to Cortes Island, be now introduced and read a first time.
Vonesch/Whalley: SRD 633/24

THAT clauses i) and ii) of paragraph c) of section 303 [Prohibited Uses] be deleted.
Director Kerr returned to the meeting chambers.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 634/24

THAT Bylaw No. 509 be given second reading as amended.
Vonesch/Rice: SRD 635/24

THAT the public hearing for Bylaw No. 509 be waived in accordance with s.464 of the Local Government Act.
Bylaw No. 510 - Quadra Island Bulk Water Regulation
Director Chapman left the meeting chambers.
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 636/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Rice left the meeting chambers.
A vote was held on the motion and it was …
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 637/24

THAT Bylaw No. 510 be given second reading.
Director Rice returned to the meeting chambers.
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 638/24

THAT an in-person public hearing for Bylaw No. 510 be scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at the Quadra Island Community Centre located at 970 West Road, Quadra Island, BC, and

THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the Director for Electoral Area C.
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 639/24

THAT the public hearing to consider Bylaw No. 564 be rescheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m. on Wednesday, September 11, 2024.
Bylaws No. 535 and 536 - OCP Amendment and Rezoning Application (Schellinck)
Vonesch/Whalley: SRD 640/24

THAT the supplementary report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
 CARRIED Directors Mawhinney and Whalley opposed
Director Chapman returned to the meeting chambers.
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 641/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 642/24

THAT the report on the public hearing for Bylaws No. 535 and 536 and all related records be received. [Item]
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 643/24

THAT Bylaw No. 535 be given third reading.
 DEFEATED Directors Mawhinney, Vonesch and Whalley opposed
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 644/24

THAT Bylaw No. 536 be given third reading.
 DEFEATED Directors Mawhinney, Vonesch and Whalley opposed
Bylaw No. 559 - Port Neville Wharf Divestiture
Whalley/Colborne: SRD 645/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Sinnott declared a conflict due to business reasons and left the meeting.
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 645/24

THAT Bylaw No. 559, being Port Neville Wharf Disposition Agreement Authorization Bylaw 2024, be now reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Director Sinnott returned to the meeting chambers.
Bylaw No. 563 - Electoral Area B Short Term Rentals
Colborne/Vonesch: SRD 646/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Colborne: SRD 647/24

THAT the report on the public hearing for Bylaw No. 563 and all related records be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 648/24

THAT Bylaw No. 563 be given third reading.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 649/24

THAT Bylaw No. 563, being Cortes Island Zoning Bylaw 2002, Amendment No. 34, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 565 - Electoral Area D Short Term Rentals
Rice/Whalley: SRD 650/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Colborne: SRD 651/24

THAT the report on the public hearing for Bylaw No. 565 and all related records be received. [Item]
Rice/Colborne: SRD 652/24

THAT Bylaw No. 565 be given third reading.
Rice/Mawhinney: SRD 653/24

THAT Bylaw No. 565, being Campbell River Area Zoning Bylaw 1991, Amendment No. 75, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 567 - Public Library Financing
Colborne/Chapman: SRD 654/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Colborne/Mawhinney: SRD 655/24

THAT Bylaw No. 567, being a bylaw to authorize entering into an agreement respecting financing between the Strathcona Regional District and the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia, be now introduced and read a first time.
Chapman/Colborne: SRD 656/24

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 567 be given second and third readings.
Chapman/Colborne: SRD 657/24

THAT Bylaw No. 567, being Security Issuing Bylaw 2024, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 569 - Strathcona Gardens Temporary Borrowing
Rice/Colborne: SRD 658/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Chapman: SRD 659/24

THAT Bylaw No. 569, being a bylaw to authorize temporary borrowing for financing improvements at the Strathcona Gardens pending the sale of debentures, be now introduced and read a first time.
Rice/Chapman: SRD 660/24

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 569 be given second and third readings.
Rice/Whalley: SRD 661/24

THAT Bylaw No. 569, being Strathcona Gardens Temporary Borrowing Authorization Bylaw 2024, be now reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 570 - Quathiaski Cove Sewer Rates
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 662/24

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 663/24

THAT Bylaw No. 570, being a bylaw to amend the rates charged for use of the Quathiaski Cove sewer system, be now introduced and read a first time.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 664/24

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 570 be given second and third readings.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 665/24

THAT Bylaw No. 570, being Quathiaski Cove Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw 2013, Amendment No. 7, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 668/24

THAT the following items be received:
Woodlot License Amendment
- June 24, 2024 notice regarding the removal of private land from Woodlot License W1897 on Quadra Island. [Item]
Village of Zeballos 2023 Annual Report
- July 3, 2024 correspondence from the Village of Zeballos regarding its 2023 Annual Report. [Item]
Resource Sector (C3 Alliance) Invitation
- July, 4, 2024 invitation to attend the C3 Alliance Annual Resource Breakfast Series. [Item]
Provincial Wildfire Update
- July 16, 2024 corresponcence and update from the Ministry of Forests regarding Provincial wildfire activities. [Item]
Meeting with Health Authorities of BC
- July 19, 2024 correspondence from the Province regarding meetings with health authorities during the UBCM convention. [Item]
Addressing Drought Challenges
- July 19, 2024 correspondence from the Province regarding the resources available to address drought challenges. [Item]
Quadra Island Bulk Water Regulation
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 666/24

THAT the correspondence from David Warren, Marie Richard, David Oldroyd, Kris Wellstein, Bernard Amell, Heidi Ridgway, W.J.S Williams, BrianSheppard, Susan Wilson, Janice Annundsen, Jodie Duncan, Sandra Koodrin, Roman Krzaczek, Mark Lansby, Loree Sutherland, Rosanna and Colin Perkins, Tanya Stelmaschuk, Karen Horton, Bruce Girdestone, Sandra Scott, Susan Graham, Darrell Graham, Yvonne Burgin, Joerg Eichhorn, Sherry Peterson, Pilar and Bruce Martinelli, Earl Heath, Brigitte Kowalski, Annick Cassanne, Jane Townley, Joshua Jakabosky, Heather Cleland and Nevil Hand, Alexandre Brault, Gerald Ammundsen, Frank Delph, Peter Booth, Karen Dunn, Leona Skovgaard, Jack Seigel, Susan Bishop, Kathy Sales, Ken Embury, Marie Barr Sheran, Paul Puddy and Marie Dube regarding Bylaw No. 510 be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 667/24

THAT correspondence addressed to Directors or Board be shared with the Board on the next meeting to which it is received.
 DEFEATED All Directors opposed except directors Mawhinney and Vonesch
Campbell River Family Services Society
Colborne/Chapman: SRD 669/24

THAT the July 8, 2024 request for financial assistance from the Campbell River Family Services Society in partnership with Campbell River Early Years Council be received. [Item]
Colborne/Vonesch: SRD 670/24

THAT the Board approve a grant for the Campbell River Family Services Society in partnership with the Campbell River Early Years Council in the amount of $4,785 to be paid from the Regional grant in aid budget.
Rural and Island Housing
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 671/24

THAT the July 18, 2024 report from Director Mawhinney regarding rural and island housing be received. [Item]
 CARRIED Director Chapman opposed
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 672/24

Whereas housing needs are critical in rural communities and coastal islands, and rural housing projects which have applied for BC Housing support have not received it;

THEREFORE the SRD Board resolves to send a letter to the Premier and Minister of Housing calling on the Province to consider creating a rural housing stream and supports to facilitate construction of projects suited with the unique constraints of rural housing.
 CARRIED Directors Dahl and Sinnott opposed
Fire Protection Service with the City of Campbell River
Rice/Lanyon: SRD 673/24

THAT a report be prepared for further discussion at EASC. This report needs to include the actual math that was used from this past budget cycle to determine Area D contribution for the Campbell River Fire Protection Service Agreement.
Area D Bulk Water Costs
Rice/Mawhinney: SRD 674/24

THAT staff prepare a report that shows the bulk water costs for 2021, 2022 and 2023 for further discussion at EASC. It would be useful if this report could also show the water usage trends over those years.
Whalley/Vonesch: SRD 675/24

THAT the July 24, 2024 regular meeting of the Regional Board be terminated.
Time: 2:38 p.m.

Certified Correct:


Corporate Officer