Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors of the Strathcona Regional District held on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at the Strathcona Regional District offices located at 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River, B.C.

A quorum having been confirmed, the Chair called the meeting to order at 12:30 p.m. with the following members physically in attendance or participating electronically:
Chair:B. UngerVillage of Gold River
Directors:J. AbramDiscovery Islands-Mainland Inlets (Electoral Area C)
 M. BakerVillage of Sayward
 J. ColborneVillage of Zeballos
 C. CornfieldCity of Campbell River
 M. DavisVillage of Tahsis
 C. EvansCity of Campbell River
 R. KerrCity of Campbell River
 B. LeighOyster Bay-Buttle Lake (Electoral Area D)
 C. MogloveCity of Campbell River
 G. WhalleyKyuquot/Nootka-Sayward (Electoral Area A)

The Chair acknowledged that we are located on the traditional territory of the Laichwiltach people.
Leigh/Evans: SRD 655/22

THAT the agenda for September 21, 2022 regular meeting of the Board be adopted as presented.
Cornfield/Davis: SRD 656/22

THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Regional Board held on August 17, 2022 be adopted. [Item]
Wei Wai Kum Land Transfer
Director Leigh asked if a response letter has been received from the Ministry of Indigenous Relations and Reconcilation regarding the Wei Wai Kum land transfer.
Staff advised that a response has not been received.
Director Adams joined the meeting.
Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM)
The Chair advised he attended the UBCM Convention held September 11-16, 2022 and provided a brief summary of the following topics:

- Housing Futures, Housing Solutions session;
- Truck Loggers Association reception and Minister of Forests speech
- Connectivity discussion with Minister Osborne and a panel of Telus, Shaw and the Connected Coast representatives; and
- BC Hydro meeting regarding hydro outage concerns.
Cornfield/Evans: SRD 657/22

THAT the Chair's report be received.
Electoral Areas Services Committee
Abram/Leigh: SRD 658/22

THAT the draft minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on August 17, 2022 be received. [Item]
Development Variance Permit Application - DV 4D 22 (Beckley)
Leigh/Abram: SRD 659/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Leigh/Abram: SRD 660/22

THAT development variance permit DV 4D 22 (Beckley), as attached in the staff report dated August 3, 2022 be approved, and

THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit.
Hagel Subdivision - Floodplain Covenant Diminishment
Leigh/Abram: SRD 661/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 662/22

THAT the Board authorize portions of Section 219 covenants EH76306 and EJ84485 as attached to the August 3, 2022 report from the Chief Administrative Officer to be diminished for the purposes of parkland registration, and

THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the application document on behalf of the Regional District.
Noise Control Service - Electoral Area A
Whalley/Leigh: SRD 663/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Whalley/Abram: SRD 664/22

THAT a further report and draft bylaw be prepared for establishing a noise control service for Electoral Area A.
Strengthening Communities Services Program - Round 2 Grant Distribution
Whalley/Evans: SRD 665/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Evans/Cornfield: SRD 666/22

THAT the 2022 Financial Plan be amended to reflect the receipt of $382,300 in grant funding from the UBCM Strengthening Communities’ Services Grant Program.
Evans/Cornfield: SRD 667/22

THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute a service agreement with the Laichwiltach Family Life Society on behalf of the Strathcona Regional District as approved in the UBCM Grant Strengthening Communities Application.
Evans/Cornfield: SRD 668/22

THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute a service agreement with the Kwakiutl District Council on behalf of the Strathcona Regional District as approved in the UBCM Grant Strengthening Communities Application.
Adams/Evans: SRD 669/22

The SRD Chair write a letter to UBCM Strengthening Communities Services Program to request consideration of ongoing funding to support and address unsheltered homelessness in the region.
Grant Opportunity - Disaster Risk Reduction Category 1
Leigh/Adams: SRD 670/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Evans/Cornfield: SRD 671/22

THAT an application be submitted to the 2022/23 Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Adaptation Category 1 grant program to develop an engineered plan for the reconstruction of the Walters Island Community Hall that incorporates the concept of a tsunami vertical evacuation structure in its design, and

THAT the Regional District commit to overall management of the grant if the application is successful.
Grant Opportunity - Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Adaptation
Evans/Cornfield: SRD 672/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Davis/Colborne: SRD 673/22

THAT an application be submitted to the 2022 Disaster Risk Reduction / Climate Adaptation Category 2 grant program for enhancing emergency response on behalf of the local government and First Nations entities identified in the September 16, 2022 report from the Chief Administrative Officer; and

THAT the Regional District commit to overall management of the grant if the application is successful.
Director Audit - Remuneration and Expense
Moglove/Cornfield: SRD 674/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Abram/Cornfield: SRD 675/22

THAT Director Abram, without prejudice, agrees to pay back the amount in the report from the finance department of $8,640.00 for meetings that were said to not meet the criteria in hopes that this will put an end to this issue; and

THAT Director Abram will submit the cheque in full today.
Adams/Moglove: SRD 676/22

That the SRD CAO be instructed that failing receipt of payment in the amount of $8,640.00 by September 30, 2022, no further monthly stipend, expense or meeting pay claims be paid to Director Abram until the balance of $8,640.00 has been fully repaid to the SRD Finance Department.
 CARRIED Directors Abram, Davis, Kerr, Leigh and Whalley opposed
Bylaw No. 433 - Quadra Links Ltd. - Proposed Rezoning
Moglove/Whalley: SRD 677/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Abram/Whalley: SRD 678/22

THAT Bylaw No. 433 be amended by deleting proposed section 11.26.3 [Conditions of Use] and substituting therefor the following:

11.26.3 Conditions of Use

a) The recreational vehicle park will operate only during the period of April 1 to October 31 annually.
b) Recreational vehicle sites and tourist trailer sites are limited to a maximum density of 21 sites per parcel.
c) A 10-metre wide vegetated buffer strip is to be provided along all property lines, including a 30-metre buffer from the wetland to the north east.
d) No parking, loading or storage areas shall be located in any required yards.
e) Buildings and structures shall be screened and buffered from adjacent properties through retention and maintenance of natural vegetation.
f) On any lot: residential use is limited to one single family dwelling for caretaker and/or manager.
 DEFEATED Directors Leigh and Whalley opposed
Abram/Leigh: SRD 679/22

THAT Bylaw No. 433 be amended by deleting proposed section 11.26.3 [Conditions of Use] and substituting therefor the following:

11.26.3 Conditions of Use

a) The recreational vehicle park will operate only during the period of April 1 to October 31 annually.
b) Recreational vehicle sites and tourist trailer sites are limited to a maximum density of 21 sites per parcel.
c) A 10-metre wide vegetated buffer strip is to be provided along all property lines, including a 30-metre buffer from the wetland to the north east.
d) No parking, loading or storage areas shall be located in any required yards.
e) Buildings and structures shall be screened and buffered from adjacent properties through retention and maintenance of natural vegetation.
f) On any lot: residential use is limited to one single family dwelling for caretaker and/or manager.
g) Retail sales limited to those items required for the playing of golf.
Bylaw No. 461 - Electoral Area C Wharves Service
Evans/Cornfield: SRD 680/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Moglove/Cornfield: SRD 681/22

THAT the matter be deferred to January 2023.
 CARRIED Director Abram opposed
Bylaw No. 465 - Quadra Island Rezoning (RZ 1C 22 - Ramos)
Adams/Evans: SRD 682/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Abram/Whalley: SRD 683/22

THAT Bylaw No. 465, being a bylaw to amend the zoning regulations applicable to Quadra Island, be now introduced and read a first time.
Abram/Whalley: SRD 684/22

THAT Bylaw No. 465 be given second reading.
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 685/22

THAT a public hearing for Bylaw No. 465 be authorized to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at the Quadra Island Community Centre located at 9710 West Road, Quathiaski Cove, BC and

THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the Electoral Area directors with the directors for Electoral Area C and Electoral Area D designated as the Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the public hearing.
Bylaws No. 471 and 472 - Quadra Island OCP and Rezoning (CP 1C 22/RZ 2C 22 - Currie)
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 686/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Whalley/Leigh: SRD 687/22

THAT Bylaw No. 471, being Quadra Island Official Community Plan Bylaw 2007, Amendment No. 16, be now introduced and read a first time.
Whalley/Leigh: SRD 688/22

THAT Bylaw No. 471 be given second reading.
Director Cornfield left the meeting.
Whalley/Leigh: SRD 689/22

THAT Bylaw No. 472, being Quadra Island Zoning Bylaw 1990, Amendment No. 139 , be now introduced and read a first time.
Whalley/Leigh: SRD 690/22

THAT Bylaw No. 472 be given second reading.
Abram/Whalley: SRD 691/22

THAT a public hearing to consider Bylaws No. 471 and 472 be authorized to be held immediately following the public hearing on Bylaw No. 465 on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 at the Quadra Island Community Centre located at 9710 West Road, Quathiaski Cove, BC and

THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the Electoral Area directors with the directors for Electoral Area C and Electoral Area D designated as the Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the public hearing.
Bylaw No. 473 - 2022 to 2026 Financial Plan Revision
Moglove/Leigh: SRD 692/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Adams/Moglove: SRD 693/22

THAT Bylaw No. 473, being a bylaw to revise the 2022 to 2026 financial plan and capital expenditure program, be now introduced and read a first time.
Leigh/Adams: SRD 694/22

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 473 be given second and third readings.
Evans/Leigh: SRD 695/22

THAT Bylaw No. 473, being 2022 to 2026 Financial Plan and Capital Expenditure Program Bylaw Amendment, Revision No.1, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 474 - Surge Narrows Community Association Permissive Tax Exemption
Evans/Whalley: SRD 696/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Abram/Whalley: SRD 697/22

THAT Bylaw No. 474, being a bylaw to provide an exemption from taxation for specified real property located on Read Island, be now introduced and read a first time.
Abram/Leigh: SRD 698/22

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 474 be given second and third readings.
Abram/Leigh: SRD 699/22

THAT Bylaw No. 474, being Surge Narrows Community Association Property Tax Exemption Bylaw 2023, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 475 - Royal Canadian Legion Permissive Tax Exemption
Abram/Leigh: SRD 700/22

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Abram/Whalley: SRD 701/22

THAT Bylaw No. 475, being a bylaw to provide an exemption from taxation for specified real property located on Quadra Island, be now introduced and read a first time.
Abram/Whalley: SRD 702/22

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 475 be given second and third readings.
Abram/Whalley: SRD 703/22

THAT Bylaw No. 475, being Royal Canadian Legion Property Tax Exemption Bylaw 2023, be now reconsidered, finally passed, and adopted.
Leigh/Adams: SRD 704/22

THAT the following items be received:
North Island College's Strategic Plan and Indigenization Plan
Progress reports on the North Island College's Strategic Plan (BUILD 2026) and Indigenization Plan (Working Together). [Item]
Surge Narrows Marine Infrastructure Revitalization Project
August 22, 2022 news release regarding the award of federal-provincial grant funding for the Surge Narrows Marine Infrastructure Revitalization Project. [Item]
Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (VICC) Climate Leadership Plan
July 2022 funding request from the Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Climate Leadership Steering Committee. [Item]
North Island Power Outages
August 31, 2022 news release from the Island Coastal Economic Trust regarding funding support for the North Island Sustainable Power Coalition. [Item]
Aero Medical Society Base in Campbell River
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 705/22

THAT the August 16, 2022 news release regarding the launch of the TEAAM Aeromedical service in Campbell River be received. [Item]
ICET Recapitalization - Letter of Support
Adams/Davis: SRD 706/22

THAT the August 26, 2022 report from Director Davis regarding recapitalization of the Island Coastal Economic Trust be received. [Item]
Davis/Adams: SRD 707/22

THAT the Strathcona Regional District provide a letter of support to the Province of BC for the recapitalization of the Island Coastal Economic Trust.
Leigh/Adams: SRD 708/22

THAT the September 21, 2022 regular meeting of the Regional Board be terminated.
Time: 1:48 p.m.

Certified Correct:


Corporate Officer