Minutes of the regular meeting of the Board of Directors of the Strathcona Regional District held on Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at the Strathcona Regional District offices located at 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River, B.C.

A quorum having been confirmed, the Chair called the meeting to order at 12:34 p.m. with the following members physically in attendance or participating electronically:
Chair:M. BakerVillage of Sayward
Directors:D. ChapmanCity of Campbell River
 J. ColborneVillage of Zeballos
 R. KerrCity of Campbell River
 B. LanyonCity of Campbell River
 M. LottVillage of Gold River
 R. MawhinneyDiscovery Islands-Mainland Inlets (Electoral Area C)
 J. RiceOyster Bay-Buttle Lake (Electoral Area D)
 M. VoneschCortes Island (Electoral Area B)
 G. WhalleyKyuquot/Nootka-Sayward (Electoral Area A)

The Chair acknowledged that we are located on the traditional territory of the Laichwiltach people.
Whalley/Colborne: SRD 742/23

THAT the agenda for September 13, 2023 regular meeting of the Board be adopted as presented.
Lott/Vonesch: SRD 743/23

THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Regional Board held on August 16, 2023 be adopted. [Item]
Director Mawhinney identified the following anomalies in the minutes:

- SRD 706/23 - the seconder is listed as MacDonald; and
- SRD 717/23 - the seconder is listed as C. Anderson.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 744/23

THAT the minutes be deferred to the next meeting.
Electoral Areas Services Committee
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 745/23

THAT the draft minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on August 16, 2023 be received. [Item]
Comox Strathcona Waste Management Service
Staff provided a verbal update on a number of matters related to the solid waste service including:

• Nominations for AVICC Special Committee on Solid Waste.
• Summary of the June Round Table Discussion and recommendation to support the advocacy and education efforts in the immediate future and incorporate directors' feedback and assess options within the broader context of the Comox Strathcona Waste Management service initiatives as part of Step 3 of the Solid Waste Management Planning renewal process.
• Draft CVRD Bylaw No. 720 - Tipping fees increase
• Single-Use plastics Ban
Director Sinnott arrived at the meeting.
The presentation continued.
Whalley/Colborne: SRD 746/23

THAT the verbal report be received.
Development Variance Permit Application - DV 4D 23 (Berlinghof)
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 747/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Colborne: SRD 748/23

THAT development variance permit DV 4D 23 (Berlinghof), as presented in the August 16, 2023 report from the Chief Administrative Officer be approved, and

THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit.
Consultation Process (CP 1C 23 / RZ 4C 23-Stevenson)
Whalley/Vonesch: SRD 749/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 750/23

THAT the First Nations consultation process and agency referral list as outlined in the staff report dated August 29, 2023 for application CP 1C 23/ RZ 4C 23 (Stevenson) be approved.
Cortes Island Open Burning Bylaw
Vonesch/Whalley: SRD 751/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 752/23

THAT a bylaw that would allow an absolute ban on all open burning within the South Cortes fire protection area be prepared for the Board's consideration.
Director Dahl arrived at the meeting.
Reimbursements for Voluntarily Installed Water Meters
Whalley/Colborne: SRD 753/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Vonesch: SRD 754/23

THAT a further report be prepared to identify potential reimbursement options, including the financial implications, for voluntarily installed water meters in the northern Electoral Area D water system.
Glenmore Road Traffic
Rice/Mawhinney: SRD 755/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Chapman: SRD 756/23

THAT a report be prepared that examines existing bylaws, suggests new bylaws and reviews enforcement of truck parking and truck use through residential neighbourhoods, and

THAT alternate routes for trucking access be explored to prevent trucks from entering and exiting residential areas via Glenmore Road in Electoral Area D (Oyster River-Buttle Lake).
Granite Bay Wharf Updates
Chapman/Vonesch: SRD 757/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 758/23

THAT a report be prepared on the Granite Bay Wharf refurbishment project that includes work completed to date, pricing, and project timelines; and also includes recreational and commercial usage statistics and moorage fees collected (monthly or seasonally) for the previous five years, and that the report be returned to the Electoral Area Services Committee.
Sinnott/Chapman: SRD 759/23

THAT the motion be amended by deleting all words after the words "project timelines".
A vote was held on the motion as amended and it was …
Short-Term Vacation Rentals - Electoral Area C
Chapman/Whalley: SRD 760/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 761/23

THAT the matter be referred to the Electoral Areas Services Committee.
Electoral Area C Advisory Planning Commission - Membership Applications
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 762/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 763/23

THAT the matter be deferred to the next meeting.
BC Housing Community Housing Fund
Whalley/Colborne: SRD 764/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rural Economic Diversification Infrastructure Program Grant Program
Colborne/Mawhinney: SRD 765/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Davis joined the meeting.
Lott/Vonesch: SRD 766/23

THAT an application for funding under the Rural Economic Diversification Infrastructure Grant Program, Economic Diversification Stream be submitted in partnership with Rural Island Economic Partnership grant application for the Rising Tides Business Services program.
Whalley/Lott: SRD 767/23

THAT a grant application to the Rural Economic Diversification Infrastructure Grant Program Forest Impact Transition Stream be submitted in partnership with the Back Country Horsemen of BC for the rehabilitation and enhancement of the Salmon Brewster Trail network.
Vonesch/Rice: SRD 768/23

THAT a grant application to the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Grant Program be submitted in partnership with Cortes Community Foundation for Phase 2 of the Village Commons project.
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 769/23

THAT, if the Salmon Brewster Trail project is not approved for funding through the Economic Diversification Infrastructure Grant Program Forest Impact Transition stream but is approved under the Economic Diversification stream, that 20% of the project funding be approved from the Electoral Area A Community Works Fund to a maximum of $100,000.
2023 UBCM Convention and Ministerial Meetings
Colborne/Mawhinney: SRD 770/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Grant Opportunity: Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Adaptation
Rice/Chapman: SRD 771/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Lott/Chapman: SRD 772/23

THAT the Board authorize an application to the 2023 Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Adaptation grant program as identified in the September 8, 2023 report from the Chief Administrative Officer; and

THAT the Regional District commit to overall management of the grant if the application is successful.
Natural Resource Committee - Terms of Reference
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 773/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Sinnott left the meeting chambers.
A vote was held on the motion and it was …
Mawhinney/Rice: SRD 774/23

THAT the Natural Resources Committee Terms of Reference section 3.4 be removed.
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 775/23

THAT associated costs for the Natural Resources Committee be shared between member Districts.
Chapman/Lanyon: SRD 776/23

THAT the draft Terms of Reference for the Natural Resource Committee attached to the August 16, 2023 report from the Chief Administrative Officer be shared with the Alberni-Clayoquot and Mount Waddington regional districts for comment prior to consideration of adoption as amended.
Proposed Financial Planning Timeline for the 2024 Budget
Whalley/Lanyon: SRD 777/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Director Whalley requested that Electoral Area meetings be scheduled after December 14, 2023 and before January 24, 2024 to review services.
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 778/23

THAT the 2024 Financial Planning timeline attached to the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be adopted as amended.
2023-2027 Strategic Plan Finalization
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 779/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Chapman/Mawhinney: SRD 780/23

THAT a Board of Directors Strategic Planning Session be scheduled as a Committee of the Whole meeting for 3:00 p.m. on October 25, 2023.
Chapman/Lott: SRD 781/23

THAT the date be changed to November 8, 2023.
Notice of Crown Land Referrals
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 782/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Request for Financial Assistance - Quadra Island Recreation Society
Colborne/Vonesch: SRD 783/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 784/23

THAT the supplementary report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Lott/Vonesch: SRD 785/23

THAT a grant in aid for the Quadra Island Recreation Society in the amount of $3,000 be approved to assist with expenses for the 2023 Halloween Fun Night event to be paid from the Electoral Area C grant in aid budget.
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 786/23

THAT a report be prepared to identify the permitted use of funds provided under contract to the Quadra Island Recreation Society.
Bylaw No. 511 - Groundwater Regulation (Electoral Area D)
Rice/Colborne: SRD 787/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Colborne: SRD 788/23

THAT Bylaw No. 511 be given third reading.
Rice/Mawhinney: SRD 789/23

THAT Bylaw No. 511, being Campbell River Area Zoning Bylaw 1991, Amendment No. 64, be now reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 513 - Director Code of Conduct Amendments
Colborne/Chapman: SRD 790/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Chapman/Colborne: SRD 791/23

THAT Bylaw No. 513, being a bylaw to amend the director code of conduct, be now introduced and read a first time.
Chapman/Vonesch: SRD 792/23

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 513 be given second and third readings.
Colborne/Vonesch: SRD 793/23

THAT Bylaw No. 513, being Director Code of Conduct Bylaw 2018, Amendment No.1, be now reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 514 - Processing of Service Initiatives
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 794/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Whalley/Vonesch: SRD 795/23

THAT the word "may" in section 6 of Bylaw No. 514 be changed to "shall" and the word "or" be inserted after each comma.
 DEFEATED All Directors opposed except Directors Lott, Mawhinney, Vonesch and Whalley
Whalley/Vonesch: SRD 796/23

THAT the word "directly" in section 7 of Bylaw No. 514 be added before the word "benefit".
 DEFEATED All Directors opposed except Director Whalley
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 797/23

THAT the word "Board" in section 9 of Bylaw No. 514 be changed to "staff".
With consent from the seconder the Chair permitted the motion to be withdrawn.
Sinnott/Rice: SRD 798/23

THAT Bylaw No. 514, being a bylaw to establish a framework for the consideration of service initiatives, be now introduced and read a first time.
Sinnott/Colborne: SRD 799/23

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No.514 be given second and third readings.
Sinnott/Chapman: SRD 800/23

THAT Bylaw No. 514, being Regional District Service Initiative Processing Bylaw 2023, be now reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Colborne/Chapman: SRD 801/23

THAT Policy CP-022 [Processing of Service Initiatives] be repealed.
The Chair recessed the meeting at 2:22 p.m.
The meeting reconvened at 2:36 p.m.
BYLAWS (Cont.)
Bylaw No. 516 - Quadra Island Rezoning (RZ 3C 23 - BC Ferries)
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 802/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 803/23

THAT Bylaw No. 516, being a bylaw to amend the zoning regulations applicable to Quadra Island, be now introduced and read a first time.
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 804/23

THAT Bylaw No. 516 be given second reading.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 805/23

THAT an in-person public hearing to consider Bylaw No. 516 be scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Monday, October 23, 2023 at the Quadra Island Community Hall located at 970 West Road, Quathiaski Cove, BC and

THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the Electoral Area C director.
Bylaw No. 519 - Rezoning Applications (RZ 3D 23 (Zaschke), RZ 4D 23 (Sprout), RZ 5D 23 (Vernon), RZ 6D 23 (Grace), RZ 7D 23 (Jodouin), RZ 8D 23 (503937 BC LTD.), RZ 9D 23 (Mader), RZ 10D 23 (503937 BC LTD.)
Rice/Mawhinney: SRD 806/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Rice/Vonesch: SRD 807/23

THAT Bylaw No. 519, being a bylaw to amend the zoning regulations applicable to Electoral Area D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake), be now introduced and read a first time.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 808/23

THAT Bylaw No. 519 be given second reading.
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 809/23

THAT an in-person public hearing to consider Bylaw No. 519 be scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at the Oyster Bay Resorts located at 4357 South Island Highway, Campbell River, BC and

THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the Electoral Area D director.
Bylaw No. 520 - Rezoning Application (RZ 12D 23 - Miller)
Rice/Mawhinney: SRD 810/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 811/23

THAT Bylaw No. 520, being a bylaw to amend the zoning regulations applicable to Electoral Area D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake), be now introduced and read a first time.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 812/23

THAT Bylaw No. 520 be given second reading.
Rice/Mawhinney: SRD 813/23

THAT an in-person public hearing to consider Bylaw No. 520 be authorized to be held immediately following the public hearing on Bylaw No. 519 on Tuesday, September 26, 2023 at the Oyster Bay Resorts located at 4357 South Island Highway, Campbell River, BC and

THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the Electoral Area D director.
Bylaw No. 521 - Delegation of Purchasing Authority
Colborne/Mawhinney: SRD 814/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Colborne/Chapman: SRD 815/23

THAT Bylaw No. 521, being a bylaw to delegate the authority for procurement of goods and services by the Strathcona Regional District, be now introduced and read a first time.
Colborne/Chapman: SRD 816/23

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 521 be given second and third readings.
Colborne/Chapman: SRD 817/23

THAT Bylaw No. 521, being Purchasing Authority Delegation Bylaw 2023, be now reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Bylaw No. 522 - Electoral Area B Dog Control Service
Vonesch/Colborne: SRD 818/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 819/23

THAT Bylaw No. 522, being a bylaw to establish a service for the control of dogs within Electoral Area B (Cortes Island), be now introduced and read a first time.
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 820/23

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 522 be given second and third readings.
Vonesch/Colborne: SRD 821/23

THAT participating area approval for Bylaw No. 522 be authorized to be obtained by an Alternate Approval Process.
Bylaw No. 523 - Permissive Tax Exemption (Royal Canadian Legion)
Chapman/Colborne: SRD 810/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 811/23

THAT Bylaw No. 523, being a bylaw to provide an exemption from taxation for specified real property located on Quadra Island, be now introduced and read a first time.
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 812/23

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 523 be given second and third readings.
Mawhinney/Colborne: SRD 813/23

THAT Bylaw No. 523, being Royal Canadian Legion Property Tax Exemption Bylaw 2024, be now reconsidered, finally passed and adopted.
Colborne/Lott: SRD 814/23

THAT the following items be received:
North Island College 2026 Strategic Plan and Dashboard Report
- July 20, 2023 correspondence regarding the North Island College Strategic Plan and "Build 2026". [Item]
ICET Impact Report
- July 25, 2023 news release regarding the 2022-23 Impact Report from the Island Coastal Economic Trust. [Item]
Meeting Requests During UBCM Convention
- July 27, 2023 correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs regarding the Regional District's meeting requests during the 2023 Union of BC Municipalities convention. [Item]
UBCM - Canada Community Building Fund: CWF Payment
- July 28, 2023 correspondence from The Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) regarding it's first Community Works Fund Payment for 2023/2024. [Item]
Comox Valley Regional District Growth Strategy
- August 2, 2023 correspondence from the Comox Valley Regional District regarding proposed amendments to its Regional Growth Strategy. [Item]
Next Generation 9-1-1 Funding
- August 2, 2023 correspondence from the Union of BC Municipalities regarding funding for the Next Generation 9-1-1 Program. [Item]
Forests and Fire Management in BC
- August 9, 2023 correspondence from the Forest Practices Board regarding forest and fire management. [Item]
Metro Vancouver Housing Plan
- August 11, 2023 news release from CivicInfo regarding the advancement of Metro Vancouver Housing Plan. [Item]
UBCM - C2C Program Approval Agreement & Terms of Conditions of Funding
- August 14, 2023 correspondence from The Union of BC Municipalities (UMBC) regarding 2023/2024 C2C Program - Approval Agreement and Terms of Conditions of Funding. [Item]
Gowlland Harbour Injunction
- August 11, 2023 correspondence from the Ministry of Attorney General regarding an unlawfully moored vessel in Gowlland Harbor. [Item]
UBCM Annual Report
- August 18, 2023 news release regarding the 2023 Annual Report of the Union of BC Municipalities. [Item]
Regional District Meeting Minutes
- September 7, 2023 correspondence from Gerald Ammundsen regarding Regional District meeting minutes. [Item]
Campbell River & North Island Labour Market Partnerships Project
- September 7, 2023 correspondence from Human Capital Strategies regarding the Campbell River & North Island Regional Summits on Talent Solutions. [Item]
MIABC Board Highlights
- Summer 2023 Board Highlights report from the Municipal Insurance Association of BC. [Item]
Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex
Colborne/Dahl: SRD 815/23

THAT the following items be received:
- July 21, 2023 correspondence from Becky and Tim Rippel regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- July 21, 2023 correspondence from Christine Sampson regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- July 24, 2023 correspondence from D.S. (Scotty) Campbell regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- July 25, 2023 correspondence from D.S. (Scotty) Campbell regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- July 26, 2023 correspondence from Jim Mallis regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- July 26, 2023 correspondence from Ginny (Virginia) Vassal regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- July 27, 2023 correspondence from Karen Bailey and Ramesh Mahabir regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- August 3, 2023 correspondence from Lori McKeown regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- August 5, 2023 correspondence from Stephen Barnes regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- August 7, 2023 correspondence from Katharine Barnes regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- August 8, 2023 correspondence from Nancy and Bryan Saarela regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- August 12, 2023 correspondence from R. Scott and Shelley Arrowsmith regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
- August 14, 2023 correspondence from Bill West-Sells regarding the Strathcona Gardens service. [Item]
Colborne/Whalley: SRD 816/23

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Colborne/Chapman: SRD 817/23

THAT the meeting be closed to the public to consider matters deemed to fall within the parameters of subsections 90(1)(a), (f), (g), (j), (n) and (o) of the Community Charter.
The meeting reconvened in public at 3:33 p.m.
While in closed session the Board passed a resolution to release the following information to the public:
Strathcona Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee
Chapman/Colborne: SRD 822/23

THAT Brenda Lenahan, Kim Schmid, Anne-Marie Long, Adrienne Mann, Christine Delancey, Steve Houle, Lisa Mcdougall-Lee, Kristine Woods and Cindy Rodgers be appointed for two-year terms to the Strathcona Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee, and

THAT the names of the appointees be released to the public.
Colborne/Dahl: SRD 831/23

THAT the September 13, 2023 regular meeting of the Regional Board be terminated.
Time: 3:33 p.m.

Certified Correct:


Corporate Officer