The Chair acknowledged that we are located on the traditional territory of the Laichwiltach people. |
Whalley/Davis: SRD 614/23
THAT the agenda for July 19, 2023 regular meeting of the Board be adopted as presented. |
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 615/23
THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Regional Board held on June 28, 2023 be adopted. [Item] |
Wildfire Status Notifications |
Lott/Mawhinney: SRD 616/23
THAT the report from the Chair be received. [Item] |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 617/23
THAT the supplementary report from the Chair be received. [Item] |
Lott/Chapman: SRD 618/23
THAT the BC Wildfire Service be requested to provide local authorities and First Nations with timely information regarding the status of wildfires that are close to a community, even when homes and other infrastructure are not at risk. |
| |
Lott/Chapman: SRD 619/23
THAT the motion be amended by adding "visible and" before the word close. |
First Nations Relations Committee |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 620/23
THAT the draft minutes of the regular meeting of the First Nations Relations Committee held on June 28, 2023 be received. [Item] |
Cortes Island Open Burning Bylaw |
Vonesch/Chapman: SRD 621/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 622/23
THAT further research be done regarding the proposal to prepare an open burning bylaw for Cortes Island following which a report be prepared for the Board's consideration. |
Cortes Island Septage Management Feasibility Study - Grant Opportunity |
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 623/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 624/23
THAT an application to the Infrastructure Planning Grant Program for $10,000 be submitted to assist with funding to complete the Cortes Island Septage Management feasibility study. |
FireSmart Community & Funding Supports - Grant Award |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 625/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Vonesch/Chapman: SRD 626/23
THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan be amended to incorporate $297,052.26 in revenue from the 2023 Community Resiliency Investment FireSmart Community & Funding Supports program to fund the activities identified in the July 14, 2023 report from the Chief Administrative Officer. |
Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Adaptation - Grant Award |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 627/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Lott/Chapman: SRD 628/23
THAT the 2023-2027 Financial Plan be amended to incorporate $1,150,052.62 revenue from the 2023 Disaster Risk Reduction/Climate Adaptation program to fund the activities identified in the July 14, 2023 report from the Chief Administrative Officer. |
| |
Director Kerr left the meeting chambers.
Director Sinnott left the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was … |
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 629/23
THAT Rewilding Water & Earth Inc. be awarded the contract to manage the Beaver Coexistence Project. |
Mawhinney/Chapman: SRD 630/23
THAT Northwest Hydraulics Consultants be awarded the contract to develop the Salmon River Floodplain Storymap. |
Electoral Area D Advisory Planning Commission - Membership Applications |
Whalley/Browne: SRD 631/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Browne/Mawhinney: SRD 632/23
THAT the following persons be appointed to the Electoral Area D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake) Advisory Planning Commission:
Laurence Brown;
Jo-Anne Doknjas;
Monique Hebert;
Anna Hooper;
Don Neill;
Teresa Purdy; and
David Rees |
Public Engagement for New Regional Services |
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 633/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
| |
Director Kerr returned to the meeting chambers.
Director Sinnott returned to the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was … |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 634/23
THAT Policy CP-022 [Processing of Service Initiatives] be amended as outlined in the July 12, 2023 report from the Chief Administrative Officer. |
Whalley/Vonesch: SRD 635/23
THAT Policy CP-022 [Processing of Service Initiatives] be returned for further consideration by the Board as a bylaw. |
Permissive Tax Exemptions for 2023 - Electoral Area C |
Director Sinnott left the meeting chambers. |
Mawhinney/Davis: SRD 636/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
| |
Director Kerr left the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was … |
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 637/23
THAT the Surge Narrows Community Association and Quadra Island Legion (Branch No. 154) be reimbursed through the regional grant in aid budget for property taxes that were approved for exemption under Bylaws No. 474 and 475. |
First Nations Territorial Acknowledgements |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 638/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Vonesch/Mawhinney: SRD 639/23
THAT the verbal territorial acknowledgements for Sonora Island, Stuart Island, Bute Inlet and Toba Inlet in Electoral Area C be amended to read as follows:
“I would like to acknowledge that we are on the unceded traditional territories of the Homalco and Kwiakah First Nations.” |
Mawhinney/Vonesch: SRD 640/23
THAT the Tla’amin First Nation be added to the verbal and written territorial acknowledgement for Electoral Area B, and
THAT the territorial acknowledgements for Electoral Area C and D be revisited following further consultation. |
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 641/23
THAT the written territorial acknowledgement for the Regional District be amended to read as follows:
“The Strathcona Regional District respectfully acknowledges that our corporate office and the Strathcona Gardens Recreation Complex are located on the traditional unceded territory of the Laichwiltach people.
We also recognize that we operate within the traditional, treaty and unceded territories of the Ehattesaht, Homalco, Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k't1es7et'h', Klahoose, K'omoks, Kwiakah, Mowachaht/Muchalaht, Nuchatlaht, Tlowitsis, Tla'amin We Wai Kai and Wei Wai Kum First Nations." |
Board Meeting Proposal and C2C Event in Kyuquot |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 642/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Mawhinney/Davis: SRD 643/23
THAT the Board move forward in principle with holding a C2C event in Kyuquot between the Regional District and the Ka:'yu:'k't'h'/Che:k'tles7et'h’ First Nations in conjunction with the October 11, 2023 Board meeting. |
Damage to Tlowitsis First Nation Property |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 644/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Mawhinney/Lott: SRD 645/23
THAT the Regional District work with local First Nations on a press release supporting development and welcoming growth. |
Mawhinney/Lott: SRD 646/23
THAT the Regional District reach out to the Tlowitsis First Nation with an offer of a partial financial contribution towards site safety to be paid for from the Growing Communities Fund. |
| |
Vonesch/Davis: SRD 647/23
THAT the motion be amended to replace "partial" with "up to $3,000". |
Director Baker opposed |
Director Code of Conduct Review |
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 648/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Davis/Browne: SRD 649/23
THAT a draft bylaw to amend the Director Code of Conduct be prepared for further review by the Board. |
Directors Lott and Whalley opposed |
SCCNC Annual Reporting Requirements - BC Corporate Registry |
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 650/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 651/23
THAT the resolutions of the sole shareholder of the Strathcona Connected Coast Network Corporation (the “Company”) be adopted as follows:
i) the shareholder acknowledges that the financial statements of the Company for the period ended December 31, 2022, and the report of the auditors thereon, have been provided to the shareholder in accordance with the requirements of the British Columbia Business Corporations Act;
ii) all lawful acts, contracts, proceedings, appointments and payments of money by the directors of the Company since the last annual reference date of the Company, and which have previously been disclosed to the shareholder, are hereby adopted, ratified and confirmed;
iii) the number of directors of the Company is hereby fixed at 5;
iv) the following persons, each of whom has consented in writing to act as a director, are hereby elected as directors of the Company, to hold office for a two-year term, or until their successors are appointed:
Thomas Darcie
Rod Nugent
Richard Franklin
Ben Hyman
Shannon Baikie
v) MNP LLP be appointed as auditors of the Company until the next annual reference date of the Company or until a successor is appointed, at a remuneration to be fixed by the directors; and
vi) April 15, 2023 is hereby selected as the annual reference date for the Company for its current annual reference period. |
Island Coastal Economic Trust Representation |
Lott/Chapman: SRD 652/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Housing Service and CMHC Housing Accelerator Fund Application |
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 653/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Vonesch/Whalley: SRD 654/23
THAT the Board proceed with the establishment of a housing service for electoral areas B, C & D. |
All directors except Directors Lott and Whalley opposed |
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 655/23
THAT the matter be referred to the Electoral Areas Services Committee. |
| |
Director Dahl left the meeting.
Directors Kerr and Sinnott returned to the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was … |
All directors except Directors Mawhinney and Whalley opposed |
Chapman/Dahl: SRD 656/23
THAT the Board proceed with the establishment of a housing service. |
Directors Vonesch and Whalley opposed |
Davis/Browne: SRD 657/23
THAT an application be submitted to the CMHC Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) for eligible electoral areas, and
THAT, as per the requirements of the HAF, the Board support that the Housing Needs Assessment(s) be updated on a recurring cycle of 5 years. |
Bylaw No. 506 - Electoral Area C Streetlighting Service |
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 658/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Directors Chapman and Sinnott left the meeting chambers. |
Mawhinney/Browne: SRD 659/23
THAT Bylaw No. 506, being a bylaw to amend the street lighting service provided within Electoral Area C (Discovery Islands-Mainland Inlets), be now introduced and read a first time. |
Browne/Mawhinney: SRD 660/23
THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 506 be given second and third readings. |
Browne/Whalley: SRD 661/23
THAT Bylaw No. 506, be returned to the Board for consideration of adoption following receipt of written consent from the Director of Electoral Area C. |
Bylaw No. 507 - Quathiaski Cove Sewer System Rates |
Mawhinney/Lott: SRD 662/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
| |
Director Chapman returned to the meeting chambers.
Director Sinnott returned to the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was … |
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 663/23
THAT Bylaw No. 507, being a bylaw to amend the rates charged for use of the Quathiaski Cove community sewer system, be now introduced and read a first time. |
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 664/23
THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 507 be given second and third readings. |
Mawhinney/Whalley: SRD 665/23
THAT Bylaw No. 507, being Quathiaski Cove Sewer Rates and Regulations Bylaw 2013, Amendment No. 6, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. |
Whalley/Davis: SRD 666/23
THAT the following items be received: |
| |
North Island 9-1-1 Corp. Financial Statements |
- June 27, 2023 correspondence from the North Island 9-1-1 Corp. regarding its 2022 Financial Statements. [Item] |
Request for Financial Assistance - Campbell River Parkinson's Disease Support Group |
- June 27, 2023 request for financial assistance from the Campbell River Parkinson's Support Group. [Item] |
Geographic Name (Toponymic) Amendments |
- June 28, 2023 correspondence from the Ministry of Tourism, Arts, Culture and Sport regarding geographic name amendments in Electoral Area C. [Item] |
Emergency Management Legislation |
- June 28, 2023 correspondence from the Union of BC Municipalities (UBCM) regarding proposed emergency management legislation for the Province of BC. [Item] |
BC Community Forest Association Newsletter |
- June 2023 newsletter from the British Columbia Community Forest Association. [Item] |
Next Generation 9-1-1 Funding |
- June 30, 2023 correspondence from the North Island 9-1-1 Corp. regarding funding for Next Generation 9-1-1 services. [Item] |
Open Net Pen Transition Plan |
- July 4, 2023 correspondence from Fisheries and Oceans Canada regarding open-net transition planning. [Item] |
Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program |
- July 4, 2023 news release regarding the second intake of applications under the Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program. [Item] |
Quarterly Reports Ombudsperson B.C. |
- quarterly report from the BC Ombudsperson for the period July 1, 2022 to march 31, 2023. [Item] |
UBCM - Sponsored Resolution |
- July 11, 2023 correspondence from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities (UBCM) regarding the Regional District's sponsored resolution for 2023. [Item] |
Cedar Creek-Upper Campbell Lake Electrification |
Browne/Whalley: SRD 667/23
THAT the July 3, 2023 report from Director Rice regarding the Cedar Creek-Upper Campbell Lake electrification project be received. [Item] |
Director Davis left the meeting chambers. |
Browne/Chapman: SRD 668/23
THAT staff contact BC Hydro and other agencies to determine if there are any programs available at this time that could assist this remote community with obtaining electrical power and to report their findings back to the Board. |
Marine Plan Advisory Committee |
Lott/Mawhinney: SRD 669/23
THAT the July 12, 2023 report from Director Mawhinney regarding the North Vancouver Island Marine Planning Partnership meeting held June 20, 2023 be received. [Item] |
Whalley/Mawhinney: SRD 670/23
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Whalley/Lott: SRD 671/23
THAT the meeting be closed to the public to consider matters deemed to fall within the parameters of subsections 90(1)(a), (e), (n), (o), and 90(2)(b) of the Community Charter. |
| |
Director Davis returned to the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was … |
The meeting reconvened in public at 2:49 p.m. |
While in closed session the Board passed a resolution to release the following information to the public: |
Connected Coast Board Appointments |
Sinnott/Whalley: SRD 675/23
THAT Shannon Baikie, Thomas Darcie and Richard Franklin be re-appointed to the Strathcona Connected Coast Network Board for further one year terms. |
Whalley/Chapman: SRD 676/23
THAT Ben Hyman and Rod Nugent be re-appointed to the Strathcona Connected Coast Network Board for further 2 year terms. |
Chapman/Whalley: SRD 677/23
THAT Greg Dobson be appointed to the SCCNC Board of Directors for a 2 year term. |
| |
Chapman/Whalley: SRD 680/23
THAT the July 19, 2023 regular meeting of the Regional Board be terminated. |
Time: 2:49 p.m.
Certified Correct:
Corporate Officer |