Whalley/Baker: SRD 261/22
THAT the agenda for March 30, 2022 regular meeting of the Board be adopted as presented. |
| |
Director Davis requested that an item entitled "West Coast Communities - Transportation Study Update" be added to the agenda |
A vote was held on the motion as amended and it was … |
Whalley/Abram: SRD 262/22
THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Regional Board held on March 16, 2022 be adopted. [Item] |
Budget Preparation Calendar |
Moved by Director Anderson:
THAT future years SRD budget calendar, starting in the fall of 2022, include at least one opportunity for the Board to make meaningful and substantive input to the budget after the tax assessment data is available and a budget draft has been compiled with that information, and before staff deem it too late in the process for such input. |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 263/22
THAT the matter be deferred to the next meeting. |
Condolences |
The Chair expressed condolences for the passing of previous Board Chair and current MLA Michele Babchuk's mother. |
First Nations Finfish Stewardship Announcement |
The Chair advised that he attended the First Nations Finfish Stewardship Announcement with First Nation representatives, Industry leaders and North Island Mayors and Regional District Chairs. |
Chair/CAO Forum |
Director Anderson joined the meeting. |
The Chair advised that he attended the Chair/CAO Forum with Dave Leitch, CAO where he attended the following presentations:
- Legal Updates by Lidstone & Company;
- Agricultural Land Commission;
- Emergency Management;
- Minister of Municipal Affairs;
- Ministry of Transportation regarding highway disruptions and remediation from winter storm damges; and
- Ecomm 9-1-1 |
COVID Restrictions |
The Chair advised that Covid restrictions have been lifted and encouraged Board members to start attending meetings in-person. |
Connected Coast - Last Mile Service |
The Chair advised that information regarding sign up and drop in is being circulated and encouraged Directors to share the news with constituents. |
Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities (ACICC) Convention |
The Chair reminded Directors that the AVICC Convention is taking place in Victoria this weekend. He advised that Sarah Fowler, Alternate Director is nominated for Director at Large and Colleen Evans, Director is nominated for Second Vice, he encouraged any Directors attending to support both nominations. |
Colborne/Evans: SRD 264/22
THAT the Chair's report be received. |
Electoral Areas Services Committee |
Whalley/Abram: SRD 265/22
THAT the draft minutes of the regular meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on March 16, 2022 be received. [Item] |
Strathcona Gardens Commission |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 266/22
THAT the draft minutes of the regular meeting of the Strathcona Gardens Commission held on March 16, 2022 be received. [Item] |
Electoral Area D Advisory Planning Commission |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 267/22
THAT the following minutes be received: |
| |
- regular meeting of the Electoral Area D Advisory Planning Commission held on October 4, 2021 [Item] |
- regular meeting of the Electoral Area D Advisory Planning Commission held on November 1, 2021 [Item] |
Development Permit Application - Doo Yun Park (DP 1C 21) |
Whalley/Evans: SRD 268/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Whalley/Colborne: SRD 269/22
THAT development permit DP 1C 21 (Doo Yun Park), as attached in staff report dated March 21, 2022, be approved, and
THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit upon receipt by the Regional District of a landscape performance bond in the amount of $12,171.90. |
ESA Development Permit Application - DP 1D 22 (Brooks) |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 270/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 271/22
THAT development permit DP 1D 22 (Brooks), be approved, and
THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit. |
ESA Development Permit Application - DP 2D 22 (Mardikian) |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 272/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 273/22
THAT development permit DP 2D 22 (Mardikian) be approved; and
THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit. |
Development Variance Permit Application - DV 1D 22 (Bridge) |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 274/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 275/22
THAT development permit DV 1D 22 (Bridge) be approved, and
THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit. |
License of Occupation Beach Access Renewal - Cortes Island |
Anderson/Whalley: SRD 276/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Anderson/Whalley: SRD 277/22
THAT the current Licence of Occupation renewal for Hayes, Seascape, Gnat and Moon Road Beach Accesses be approved, and
THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the renewal documents. |
Proposed Bulk Water Supply Service - Tlowitsis First Nation |
Leigh/Moglove: SRD 278/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Moglove/Davis: SRD 279/22
THAT the Board consent to the City of Campbell River providing bulk domestic water to the Tlowitsis First Nation reserve in Electoral Area D. |
| |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 280/22
THAT the motion be deferred to the April 13, 2022 meeting. |
Directors Baker, Evans and Moglove opposed |
Leigh/Abram: SRD 281/22
THAT Staff research and report back to the Board with a complete report on the Terms, Conditions as it relates to Electoral Area D with respect to the provision on domestic water supply to the Tlowitsis Reserve in Area D. |
Alternate Director Smyth joined the meeting. |
Community Resiliency Investment Grant - Local Use of Woodchips |
Colborne/Anderson: SRD 282/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Anderson/Davis: SRD 283/22
THAT the Board commit to keeping chips in the rural communities and that staff have a conversation with applicants around volumes and report back to the Board. |
Directors Abram, Leigh and Moglove opposed |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 284/22
THAT the Regional District allocate woodchips to all applicants in accordance with the proposals received except applicants who are considered private entities. |
Strathcona Community Health Network - Supplemental Funding |
Evans/Whalley: SRD 285/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Evans/Moglove: SRD 286/22
THAT Amendment Agreement No. 1 to Contract 2505.09-HTH-39796 between the Vancouver Island Health Authority and the Strathcona Regional District as executed by the Chief Administrative Officer be ratified and approved. |
Regional District Special Voting Regulation |
Colborne/Whalley: SRD 287/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Whalley/Babchuk: SRD 288/22
THAT the Province of B.C. be requested to add the Strathcona Regional District to the list of regional districts to which BC Reg. 41/91 (Regional District Special Voting Regulation) applies. |
Requests for Financial Assistance - Electoral Area C |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 289/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Whalley: SRD 290/22
THAT the Board approve grants in aid to be paid from the Electoral Area C grant in aid budget as follows:
a) $500 to the Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society to assist with rehabilitation and education program costs ; and
b) $1,500 to the Quadra Cat Rescue to assist with costs associated with controlling the unwanted cat population on Quadra Island. |
Request for Economic Development Funding - Quadra Circle Community Connections Society |
Abram/Whalley: SRD 291/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Whalley: SRD 292/22
THAT the Board approve an economic development grant for the Quadra Circle Community Connections Society in the amount of $4,400 to assist with insurance, office rent and telephone costs to be paid from the Electoral Area C economic development service budget. |
Requests for Financial Assistance - Electoral Area D |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 293/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Abram: SRD 294/22
THAT the Board approve grants in aid to be paid from the Electoral Area D grant in aid budget as follows:
a) $3,000 to the Strathcona Wilderness Institute to assist with costs associated with educational materials and volunteer travel; and
b) $10,500 to the Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society (MARS) to assist with rehabilitation and education program costs. |
Bylaw No. 458 - Quadra Island Rezoning (RZ 3C 21 - Turkstra) |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 295/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Colborne: SRD 296/22
THAT Bylaw No. 458, being a bylaw to amend the zoning regulations applicable to Quadra Island, be now introduced and read a first time. |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 297/22
THAT Bylaw No. 458 be given second reading. |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 298/22
THAT a virtual public hearing on Bylaw 458 be authorized to be held on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 starting at 7:00 p.m., and
THAT the Quadra Island Community Centre located at 970 West Road, Quathiaski Cove be designated as the physical location for the public hearing for those individuals wishing to attend the hearing in person, and
THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the directors for Electoral Areas A, C and D with the directors for Electoral Area C and Electoral Area D designated as the Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the public hearing. |
Bylaw No. 459 - Campbell River Storm License Agreement |
Evans/Whalley: SRD 299/22
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Evans: SRD 300/22
THAT Bylaw No. 459, being a bylaw to authorize entering into a licensing agreement for part of the Strathcona Gardens recreation facility, be now introduced and read a first time. |
Leigh/Evans: SRD 301/22
THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 459 be given second and third readings. |
Leigh/Evans: SRD 302/22
THAT Bylaw No. 459 be returned for further consideration by the Board following the conclusion of the public notification process. |
West Coast Communities Transportation Study |
Director Davis requested an update on the West Coast Communities Transportation Study. |
The Senior Manager, Corporate Services advised that there were 5 submissions received for the RFP for the West Coast Communities Transportation Study which were in the final stages of evaluation. |
Evans/Leigh: SRD 303/22
THAT the verbal report be received. |
Whalley/Abram: SRD 304/22
THAT the March 30, 2022 regular meeting of the Regional Board be terminated. |
Time: 1:35 p.m.
Certified Correct:
Corporate Officer |