Minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Board of Directors of the Strathcona Regional District held on Thursday, December 15, 2011 at the Strathcona Regional District office located at #301 - 990 Cedar Street, Campbell River, B.C.

A quorum having been confirmed, the Corporate Officer called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. with the following directors in attendance:

Jim Abram
Andy Adams
Craig Anderson
Brenda Leigh
Ted Lewis
John MacDonald
Ryan Mennie
Claire Moglove
Jude Schooner
Mary Storry
Gerald Whalley
Her Worship, Carole Daenckaert a Justice of the Peace for the Province of British Columbia was introduced and proceeded to administer the taking of oaths for directors.

Director N. Anderson arrived at 3:01 p.m.

Director Jakeway arrived at 3:04 p.m.

Justice Daenckaert continued with administering the taking of oaths until all directors had completed their Oaths of Office.
The Corporate Officer thanked Justice Daenckaert for officiating at the swearing in ceremony.
The Corporate Officer called for nominations for the position of Chair.

Director Whalley nominated Director C. Anderson. Director Anderson accepted the nomination.

Director Moglove nominated Director Storry. Director Storry accepted the nomination.

The Corporate Officer called for any further nominations and there were none. Each nominee then spoke briefly about their candidacy, following which a vote by secret ballot was held.

Following the collection and counting of ballots Director C. Anderson was declared elected to the position of Chair. [Item]
The Corporate Officer called for nominations for the position of Vice Chair.

Director Whalley nominated Director Abram. Director Abram accepted the nomination.

Director Moglove nominated Director Storry. Director Storry accepted the nomination.

The Corporate Officer called for any further nominations and there were none. Each nominee then spoke briefly about their candidacy, following which a vote by secret ballot was held.

Following the collection and counting of ballots Director Storry was declared elected to the position of Vice Chair. [Item]
Director C. Anderson assumed the role of presiding official at 3:34 p.m.
Leigh/MacDonald: SRD 682/11

THAT the agenda be adopted as published.
MacDonald/N. Anderson: SRD 683/11

THAT the minutes of the November 24, 2011 meeting of the Regional Board be adopted. [Item]
Community Recreation Grant Program Application
Leigh/MacDonald: SRD 684/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Moglove/Adams: SRD 685/11

THAT the $400,000 grant application to the British Columbia Community Recreation Program Fund for upgrades to the Brind'Amour Arena be approved.
Leigh/Adams: SRD 686/11

THAT subject to approval of grant funding, the Brind'Amour Arena upgrade project be authorized to proceed.
Appointment of Financial Signing Officers for 2012
MacDonald/Lewis: SRD 687/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
MacDonald/Lewis: SRD 688/11

THAT the Chair, Vice Chair, Chief Administrative Officer, Financial Services Manager and Corporate Services Manager be appointed as financial signing authorities for 2012 and that any 2 of them be authorized to co-sign financial documents.
Lewis/N. Anderson: SRD 689/11

THAT a bylaw to designate financial signing officers for the Strathcona Regional District be prepared for consideration.
Appointment of Auditor for 2012
Whalley/N. Anderson: SRD 690/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
N. Anderson/MacDonald: SRD 691/11

THAT the firm of Meyers Norris Penny LLP Chartered Accountants be appointed as the Regional District's auditor for the 2012 fiscal year.
Vancouver Island Regional Library - Appointment of Members
Leigh/MacDonald: SRD 692/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Abram/Whalley: SRD 693/11

THAT Director Leigh be appointed as a member of the Vancouver Island Regional Library Board for 2012 with Director N. Anderson appointed as the alternate member.
Quathiaski Cove Sewer System - Extension Project Funding
Abram/Whalley: SRD 694/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
MacDonald/Whalley: SRD 695/11

THAT a total of not more than $10,000 be authorized for expenditure from the Electoral Area C Feasibility Study Reserve Fund in 2011 to cover costs associated with the Quathiaski Cove sewer system extension project.
Cortes Island Garbage & Recycling Collection Contract
N. Anderson/Lewis: SRD 696/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
N. Anderson/Whalley: SRD 697/11

THAT a contract for the collection of residential waste and recyclables on Cortes Island for the period January 1, 2012 to December 31, 2016 be awarded to Margaret Verschuur in accordance with the terms and conditions of the request for proposals and the rates stated in Schedule 'A' of the proposal form, and

THAT the Chair and Chief Administrative Officer be authorized to execute the contract.
N. Anderson/Whalley: SRD 698/11

THAT the motion be amended by deleting "and the rates stated in Schedule 'A' of the proposed form" and replacing them with "for the rate of $33,420 for 2012, $33,698.50 for 2013, $33,977 for 2014, $34,255.50 for 2015 and $34,534 for 2016".
A vote was held on the motion as amended and it was …
2012 Advisory Planning Commission Appointments
Whalley/MacDonald: SRD 699/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
N. Anderson/Whalley: SRD 700/11

THAT the matter of making appointments to the Electoral Area D (Oyster Bay-Buttle Lake) Advisory Planning Commission for 2012 be deferred until the January meeting of the Regional Board.
N. Anderson/Whalley: SRD 701/11

THAT the following persons be appointed to the Electoral Area B (Cortes Island) Advisory Planning Commission for 2012:

- Julia Rendall
- Paul Brewer
- Doug Weyler
- Mary Clare Preston
- Eva Boucek
- Joe Cliffe
- Frances Guthrie
- Ester Strijbos
N. Anderson/Moglove: SRD 702/11

THAT the Board write a thank you letter to Bruce Ellingsen for his participation on the Advisory Planning Commission for Cortes Island.
2012 Schedule of Meetings
MacDonald/Adams: SRD 703/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Whalley/MacDonald: SRD 704/11

THAT the proposed 2012 Schedule of Meetings for the Strathcona Regional District Board and Committee of the Whole be approved.
Bylaw No. 127 - Planning & Land Use Management Service Conversion Bylaw
MacDonald/Abram: SRD 705/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Whalley/MacDonald: SRD 706/11

THAT Bylaw No. 127, being Planning & Land Use Management Service Conversion Bylaw 2011 be now introduced and read a first time.
Whalley/Abram: SRD 707/11

THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 127 be given second and third readings.
Whalley/Abram: SRD 708/11

THAT approval for Bylaw No. 127 be authorized to be obtained on the basis of participating area consent pursuant to s. 802 of the Local Government Act.
AVICC Member-to-Member Communication
Moglove/MacDonald: SRD 709/11

THAT the November 30, 2011 correspondence from the Association of Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities regarding oil spill response on the B.C. coast be received. [Item]
Leigh/N. Anderson: SRD 710/11

THAT the addendum item be considered.
Water Service Maintenance And Operations Agreement - Electoral Area D
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 712/11

THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item]
Leigh/Moglove: SRD 713/11

THAT the Regional Board approve entering into a five (5) year Water Services Agreement with the City of Campbell River commencing January 1, 2012 and ending December 31, 2016 with the following annual base costs: 2012 - $72,100; 2013 - $74,264; 2014 - $76,491; 2015 - $78,786 and 2016 - $81,149, and

THAT the Chair and the Chief Adminstrative Officer be authorized to execute the contract.
Adams/MacDonald: SRD 714/11

THAT the Board adjourn to a closed (in-camera) session pursuant to the following subsection(s) of Section 90 of the Community Charter:

90(1)(g) litigation or potential litigation affecting the municipality

90(1)(n) the consideration of whether a council meeting should be closed under a provision of this subsection or subsection (2).
The Board reconvened in open session at 4:15 p.m.
Appointments to Strathcona Gardens Commission
Jakeway/Moglove: SRD 720/11

THAT Director Leigh and Director Adams be appointed to the Strathcona Gardens Commission.
Adams/Moglove: SRD 721/11

THAT the Regional Board accept the recommendation from the City of Campbell River that Cal Grunerud be appointed to the Strathcona Gardens Commission.
MacDonald/Lewis: SRD 722/11

THAT the December 15, 2011 inaugural meeting of the Regional Board be terminated - 4:18 p.m.
Certified Correct:


Corporate Officer