Leigh/Abram: SRD 36/20
THAT the agenda for January 29, 2020 regular meeting of the Board be adopted as presented. |
Director Colborne entered the meeting chambers. |
Climate Change - The Truth About Global Warming |
Director Whalley made a presentation on the topic of Climate Change. [Item] |
Unger/Cornfield: SRD 37/20
THAT the presentation be received. |
Leigh/Evans: SRD 38/20
THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Regional Board held on January 15, 2020 be adopted. [Item] |
2020-2024 Financial Plan |
Director Anderson requested clarification regarding the date the 2020-2024 Financial Plan will be presented to the Board.
The Chief Administrative Officer advised that it will be presented at the February 12, 2020 meeting. |
The Chair provided an update to the Board on the Directors Portal, meeting with Cortes Island residents and the status of a Human Resources questionnaire. |
Leigh/Adams: SRD 39/20
THAT the Chair's report be received. |
Electoral Areas Services Committee |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 40/20
THAT the minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on January 15, 2020 be received. [Item] |
Development Variance Permit Application (DV 4D 19 – Rieu) |
Leigh/Evans: SRD 41/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 42/20
THAT development variance permit DV 4D 19 be approved, and
THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit. |
Lounge and Special Event Endorsement Application (Quadra Island) |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 43/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Evans: SRD 44/20
THAT the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch be advised that the Strathcona Regional District has no objection to the proposal by SouthEnd Farm Vineyards for lounge and special events area endorsements. |
North Quadra Burning Regulations Survey |
Abram/Cornfield: SRD 45/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Cornfield: SRD 46/20
THAT up to $2,500 be authorized to be spent from the Area C feasibility study reserve fund to cover the cost of the north Quadra Island burning regulation survey. |
Establishment of Dike Maintenance Service - Electoral Area D |
Leigh/Unger: SRD 47/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Abram: SRD 48/20
THAT a further report that examines the boundaries, cost implications and process for establishing a dike maintenance service in more detail be prepared for the Board's consideration. |
Browns Bay Resort Service Area/Operation of Utilities Request |
Whalley/Abram: SRD 49/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Whalley/Abram: SRD 50/20
THAT bylaws to establish water and sewer service areas for the Brown's Bay resort area be prepared for further consideration. |
Livestock Regulation in Electoral Areas |
Leigh/Unger: SRD 51/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Anderson: SRD 52/20
THAT a report on the proposal to amend Bylaw No. 1404 to allow the keeping of chickens, ducks and small livestock on properties less than 1 acre in size be prepared for further consideration. |
| |
Leigh/Abram: SRD 53/20
THAT the motion be amended by adding "(excluding
roosters)" after the word chickens. |
Director Kerr entered the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the amended motion and it was …. |
Bylaw Enforcement Policy - Review |
Colborne/Evans: SRD 54/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Unger/Colborne: SRD 55/20
THAT the policy entitled 'Bylaw Enforcement Policy' adopted by the Comox-Strathcona Regional District on July 25, 2005 be rescinded, and
THAT Corporate Policy CP-024 (Bylaw Enforcement) be adopted. |
| |
Director Kerr left the meeting chambers. |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 56/20
THAT the matter be referred to the Electoral Areas Services Committee. |
All directors opposed except Directors Abram, Leigh and Whalley |
By a show of hands a majority of directors voted to end debate and call the question. |
A vote was held on the pending motion and it was … |
Directors Abram and Leigh opposed |
Emergency Program Act - Proposed Amendments |
Colborne/Unger: SRD 57/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Unger: SRD 58/20
THAT a submission be provided to Emergency Management BC regarding the proposed revisions to the Emergency Program Act based on the information contained in the January 24, 2020 report from the Chief Administrative Officer. |
Leigh/Evans: SRD 59/20
THAT the submission also be sent to AVICC and UBCM for further consideration. |
Emergency Operations Centre - Grant Revision |
Cornfield/Unger: SRD 60/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Cornfield/Colborne: SRD 61/20
THAT the $14,000 of EOC grant funds originally intended for the installation of rooftop antennas be used instead for the procurement of eight mobile radio kits, and
THAT staff continue to investigate opportunities for funding the rooftop antenna project. |
Zeballos Back-Up Generator Installation |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 62/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
| |
Director Kerr entered the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was …. |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 63/20
THAT the Regional District be authorized to co-apply for a $50,000 Emergency Preparedness Fund grant to assist with costs for the Village of Zeballos back-up electrical generator project, and
THAT any funds received by the Regional District as a result of the application be provided by way of a grant to the Village to be charged against the Regional Emergency Preparedness budget. |
Procedure Bylaw Amendment |
Leigh/Evans: SRD 64/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/MacDonald: SRD 65/20
THAT an amendment to the Board's procedure bylaw be prepared to relocate the public notice posting place at the corporate office from the third floor to the ground floor public reception area. |
Director Resource Guide |
Evans/Cornfield: SRD 66/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Advisory Planning Commission Appointments - Electoral Area B |
Anderson/Colborne: SRD 67/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Anderson/Colborne: SRD 68/20
THAT the following persons be appointed to the Electoral Area B Advisory Planning Commission for 2020:
Carrie Saxifrage
Frances Guthrie
Kristen Scholfield-Sweet
Mike Manson
Brittany Baxter |
| |
Director Cornfield left the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was … |
Request for Financial Assistance - Quadra Island Seniors |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 69/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 70/20
THAT an Economic Development Grant for the Quadra Island Seniors, Branch #91, BCOAPO in the amount of $4,000 be approved to assist with the costs associated with the Quadra Island tourism booth to be paid from the Electoral Area C economic development budget. |
Director Cornfield entered the meeting chambers. |
Bylaws No. 366 and 367 (CP 3D 19 / RZ 3D 19 – Johansen) |
Leigh/Colborne: SRD 71/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 72/20
THAT Bylaw No. 366, being a bylaw to amend the official community plan for Electoral Area D, be now introduced and read a first time. |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 73/20
THAT Bylaw No. 366 be given second reading. |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 74/20
THAT Bylaw No. 367, being a bylaw to amend the zoning regulations applicable to Electoral Area D, be now introduced and read a first time. |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 75/20
THAT Bylaw No. 367 be given second reading. |
Leigh/Whalley: SRD 76/20
THAT a public hearing to consider Bylaws No. 366 and 367 be scheduled to be held at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 26, 2020 at the Oyster Bay Resort Meeting Hall located at 4357 South Island Highway, Campbell River, B.C., and
THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the directors for Electoral Areas A, C and D with Director Leigh and Director Abram designated as the Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the public hearing. |
Director Anderson opposed |
Bylaws No. 379 and 380 (CP 1B 19 / RZ 1B 19 - Cortes Island Seniors Society) |
Anderson/Colborne: SRD 77/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Anderson/Whalley: SRD 78/20
THAT Bylaw No. 379, being a bylaw to amend the Cortes Island official community plan for Electoral Area B be now introduced and read a first time. |
Anderson/Whalley: SRD 79/20
THAT Bylaw No. 379 be given second reading. |
Anderson/Whalley: SRD 80/20
THAT Bylaw No. 380, being a bylaw to amend the zoning regulations applicable to Electoral Area B, be now introduced and read a first time. |
Anderson/Whalley: SRD 81/20
THAT Bylaw No. 380 be given second reading. |
Anderson/Whalley: SRD 82/20
THAT a public hearing to consider Bylaws No. 379 and 380 be scheduled to be held at 1:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 30, 2020 at the Manson's Landing Hall located at 983 Beasley Road, Cortes Island, B.C, and
THAT the holding of the public hearing be delegated to the electoral area directors with Director Anderson and Director Whalley designated as the Chair and Vice Chair respectively for the public hearing. |
Marine Protected Area Network |
Cornfield/Unger: SRD 83/20
THAT the January 17, 2020 correspondence from the Marine Protected Area Network regarding planning in the Northern Shelf Bioregion be received. [Item] |
Geoscience BC |
Leigh/Colborne: SRD 84/20
THAT the January 21, 2020 correspondence from Geoscience BC regarding the Vancouver Island North Regional Project be received. [Item] |
Alternate Electoral Area Directors |
Cornfield/Colborne: SRD 85/20
THAT the January 19, 2020 correspondence from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing regarding the alternate electoral area director feedback process be received. [Item] |
Independent Power Projects (IPP) |
Colborne/Unger: SRD 86/20
THAT the January 21, 2020 correspondence from the Ministry of Attorney General regarding the 2019 UBCM conference and Independent Power Projects (IPP) be received. [Item] |
Marine Plan Partnership |
Abram/MacDonald: SRD 87/20
THAT the January 14, 2020 report from Director Abram regarding the Marine Plan Partnership for the North Pacific Coast be received. [Item] |
Tlowitsis Youth Outreach Strategy |
MacDonald/Colborne: SRD 88/20
THAT the January 21, 2020 report from Director MacDonald regarding the Tlowitsis Nation Youth Outreach Strategy be received. [Item] |
MacDonald/Colborne: SRD 89/20
THAT a letter of support be provided for the Tlowitsis Nation funding application for its Youth Outreach Strategy. |
| |
Leigh/Abram: SRD 90/20
THAT the motion be amended by adding the words "to be located within the Strathcona Regional District." |
All directors except Director Leigh opposed |
A vote was held on the original motion and it was….. |
Director Leigh opposed. |
Colborne/Leigh: SRD 91/20
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Cornfield: SRD 92/20
THAT the meeting be closed to the public to consider matters deemed to fall within the parameters of subsections 90(1)(c), (i), (k), (n), and (o) of the Community Charter. |
The Board reconvened in public at 2:07 p.m. |
SRD 101/20
THAT the January 29, 2020 regular meeting of the Regional Board be terminated. |
Time: 2:07 p.m.
Certified Correct:
Corporate Officer |