Leigh/Unger: SRD 39/18
THAT the agenda for January 25, 2018 regular meeting of the Board be adopted as presented. |
| |
Director Colborne requested that a verbal report entitled "Tsunami Warning Update" be added to the agenda under Member Reports. |
A vote was held on the amended motion and it was … |
Abram/Schooner: SRD 40/18
THAT the minutes of the regular meeting of the Regional Board held on January 10, 2018 be adopted. [Item] |
Connected Coast Initiative |
The Chair provided an update on the Connected Coast Initiative which was the subject of a recent funding announcement by the Federal and Provincial governments. |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 41/18
THAT the verbal report be received. |
Electoral Areas Services Committee |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 42/18
THAT the draft minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Electoral Areas Services Committee held on January 10, 2018 be received. [Item] |
Strathcona Gardens Commission |
Leigh/Cornfield: SRD 43/18
THAT the draft minutes of the inaugural meeting of the Strathcona Gardens Commission held on January 10, 2018 be received. [Item] |
Foreshore ESA Development Permit Application - DP 4D 17 (Jose) |
Leigh/Cornfield: SRD 44/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Colborne: SRD 45/18
THAT development permit DP 4D 17 be approved as amended, and
THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit. |
Development Permit Application - Quadra Island Seniors Housing Society |
Abram/Schooner: SRD 46/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Leigh: SRD 47/18
THAT development permit DP 2C 17 be approved, and
THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to issue the permit upon receipt of a $80,000 landscape performance bond. |
Application for Waiver - Quadra Links Rezoning |
Abram/Schooner: SRD 48/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Lavelle: SRD 49/18
THAT the waiting period for reapplication of the rezoning proposal for the Quadra Links property contained in Bylaw No. 271 be varied from 12 months to 3 ½ months pursuant to s. 460 of the Local Government Act. |
iMap Contract Termination |
Colborne/Lavelle: SRD 50/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 51/18
THAT the iMap contract with the Comox Valley Regional District be cancelled. |
Quadra Island School Site Acquisition |
Abram/Cornfield: SRD 52/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Abram/Cornfield: SRD 53/18
THAT the Board authorize an application to the Province for a Crown land grant over the Quadra Island School property at 1478 Hyacinthe Bay Road, Lot 3, Plan 1109, District Lot 216, Sayward Land District, PID 007-893-434 for the purpose of creating an Electoral Area C community park, and
THAT the Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the land transfer. |
Cortes Island Fire Protection Service |
Lavelle/Colborne: SRD 54/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Lavelle/Abram: SRD 55/18
THAT the proposed contract with the Cortes Island Fire Fighting Association for the delivery of fire protection services on Cortes Island be approved, and
THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the contract. |
Residential Waste Collection Contract Extensions (Cortes Island) |
Lavelle/Colborne: SRD 56/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Lavelle/Abram: SRD 57/18
THAT the Cortes Island Refuse Collection Agreement (SRD-12-001) with Margaret Verschuur be extended until November 30, 2018 at a unit rate to be $83.24 for the collection and transportation of residential refuse and recyclable material, and
THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the modified agreement. |
Lavelle/Schooner: SRD 58/18
THAT the Mulit-Material BC Statement of Work Agreement (SRD-13-074) for Cortes Island curbside recycling of packaging and printed paper be extended until November 30, 2018, and
THAT the Chair and Corporate Officer be authorized to execute the change order. |
Director Compensation Review |
Colborne/Unger: SRD 59/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Cornfield/Colborne: SRD 60/18
THAT the proposed Terms of Reference for the 2018 review of director compensation be approved. |
Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel |
Cornfield/Leigh: SRD 61/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Abram: SRD 62/18
THAT Director Leigh, Director Abramand Director Whalley be appointed as the members of the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel for 2018. |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 63/18
THAT, if required, the first sitting of the Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel be scheduled for 9:00 a.m. on Thursday, February 22, 2018 at the Regional District corporate office. |
Advisory Planning Commission Appointments |
MacDonald/Colborne: SRD 64/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Director Schooner left the meeting chambers. |
Cornfield/Unger: SRD 65/18
THAT the matter of appointments for the 2018 Electoral Area B Adviosry Planning Commission be deferred to later in the meeting. |
Leigh/Colborne: SRD 66/18
THAT the following persons be appointed to the Advisory Planning Commission for Electoral Area D for 2018:
Jon Ackroyd
Peter Laing
Patricia Boham
Marcy Prior |
| |
Disposition of Sutil Point Park - Cortes Island |
Colborne/Lavelle: SRD 67/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Director Schooner returned to the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was …. |
Lavelle/Schooner: SRD 68/18
THAT no further action be taken with respect to the proposed disposition of Sutil Point Park located on Cortes Island. |
Policy - Corporate Services Committee |
Colborne/Schooner: SRD 69/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received [Item] |
Abram/Cornfield: SRD 70/18
THAT the policy entitled ‘Appointments to Corporate Services Committee’ which was adopted by the Comox-Strathcona Regional District on December 11, 1997 be rescinded |
Request for Financial Assistance - Electoral Area D |
Cornfield/Leigh: SRD 71/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Leigh/Schooner: SRD 72/18
THAT the Board approve a grant in aid for the Mountainaire Avian Rescue Society in the amount of $5,000 to assist in emergency measures in their new wildlife rescue centre to be paid from the Electoral Area D Grant in Aid budget and that the funds be provided as soon as possible. |
| |
Director Unger left the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was …. |
Connected Coast Project Initiative |
Colborne/Schooner: SRD 73/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
| |
Director Unger returned to the meeting chambers. |
Director Adams arrived at the meeting. |
Director Schooner left the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was …. |
Bylaw No. 287 - Indemnification of Regional District Officials |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 74/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
| |
Director Schooner returned to the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was …. |
Cornfield/Whalley: SRD 75/18
THAT section 1 of Bylaw No. 287 be amended by adding a definition for ‘reasonable legal costs’ as follows:
‘reasonable legal costs’ means the out of pocket costs, including disbursements, that are incurred by an official or by the Regional District in seeking, retaining or engaging legal counsel with respect to a proceeding covered by this bylaw. |
Cornfield/Whalley: SRD 76/18
THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 287 be given second and third readings. |
Cornfield/Whalley: SRD 77/18
THAT Bylaw No. 287, being Regional District Officials Indemnification Bylaw 2017, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. |
Bylaw No. 299 - Security Issuing |
Colborne/Lavelle: SRD 77/18
THAT the report from the Chief Administrative Officer be received. [Item] |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 78/18
THAT Bylaw No. 299, being a bylaw to authorize entering into a financing agreement between the Strathcona Regional District and the Municipal Finance Authority of British Columbia, be now introduced and read a first time. |
Unger/Colborne: SRD 79/18
THAT the rules be suspended and Bylaw No. 299 be given second and third readings. |
Colborne/Adams: SRD 80/18
THAT Bylaw No. 299, being Security Issuing Bylaw (No.1) 2018, be reconsidered, finally passed and adopted. |
Status of Asset Management in British Columbia |
Unger/Colborne: SRD 81/18
THAT the January 2, 2018 correspondence from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities regarding the status of asset manangement in BC report be received. [Item] |
High-Speed Internet Connectivity for Coastal Communities |
Colborne/Abram: SRD 82/18
THAT the following items be received:
a) January 17, 2018 news release from CivicInfo BC; [Item] |
| |
b) January 17, 2018 news release from the Financial Post; [Item] |
c) January 17, 2018 news release from the Strathcona Regional District; [Item] |
d) January 17, 2018 news release from the Northern View; [Item] |
e) January 17, 2018 news release from City West; [Item] |
f) January 17, 2017 news release from the Campbell River Mirror; [Item] |
g) January 17, 2018 news release from the Government of Canada; [Item] |
h) January 17, 2018 news release from the Kelowna Capital News; [Item] |
i) January 17, 2018 news release from the North Coast Review; [Item] |
j) January 17, 2018 news release from the Terrace Standard; [Item] |
k) January 18, 2018 news release from CBC; [Item] |
l) January 18, 2018 news release from the Coast Report; [Item] |
m) January 18, 2018 news release from Mobile Syrup; [Item] |
n) January 18, 2018 news release from Northern Development Initiative Trust; [Item] |
o) January 18, 2018 news release from the Comox Valley News; and [Item] |
p) January 17, 2018 news release from Cartt Beta Cable & Telecom; [Item] |
q) January 19, 2018 news release from the Powell River Peak. [Item] |
Diretor Whalley left the meeting chambers. |
A vote was held on the motion and it was …. |
Regional District Chairs Group - BC Ferry Service |
Colborne/Schooner: SRD 83/18
THAT the January 11, 2018 report from Director Abram regarding the meeting of the Regional District Ferry Chair's Group be received. [Item] |
North Vancouver Island Marine Plan Advisory Committee |
Cornfield/Colborne: SRD 84/18
THAT the January 11, 2018 report from Director Abram regarding the meeting of the North Vancouver Island Marine Plan Advisory Committee be received. [Item] |
AVICC Special Committee on Solid Waste |
Colborne/Lavelle: SRD 85/18
THAT the January 18, 2018 report from Director Schooner regarding the AVICC Special Committee on Solid Waste be received. [Item] |
Cornfield/Schooner: SRD 86/18
THAT the Strathcona Regional District nominate Director Unger as its representative to the AVICC Special Committee on Solid Waste. |
Abram/Colborne: SRD 87/18
THAT the nomination be forwarded to the AVICC Special Committee on Solid Waste. |
Tsunami Warning Update |
Director Colborne gave a verbal report regarding the recent tsunami warning communication for First Nation communities around Zeballos. |
Director Abram left the meeting chambers. |
Schooner/Cornfield: SRD 88/18
THAT the verbal report be received. |
STAFF REPORT'S (cont.) |
Advisory Planning Commission Appointments (cont.) |
SRD 89/18
THAT the following persons be appointed to the Advisory Planning Commission for Electoral Area B for 2018:
Frances Guthrie
Chris Dragseth
Mike Manson
Kristen Schofield-Sweet
Rod Lee
Kim Christensen
Carrie Saxifrage
Sam Mayer |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 90/18
THAT the addendum item be considered. |
Community Emergency Preparedness Fund - 2017 Emergency Social Services Program |
Colborne/Schooner: SRD 91/18
THAT the January 17, 2018 correspondence from the Union of British Columbia Municipalities regarding the 2017 Emegency Social Services grant approval be received. [Item] |
Colborne/Cornfield: SRD 92/18
THAT the January 25, 2018 regular meeting of the Regional Board be terminated. |
Time: 2:15 p.m.
Certified Correct:
Corporate Officer |